Prime Radio Stations ABC,Australia World
ArchivesAs we build up archives, we will examine
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archives: December 1999 Main stories of the month
99-12-01 to 16: Australian talk show hosts under fire for taking payoffs. Again the running story of the month 99-12-03 New chiefs for UK Radio Authority. 99-12-03 to 22 UK Parliament hearings re BBC funding. 99-12-03 to 11 Copyright row over Canadian Internet re-broadcaster 99-12-07 -Australian ratings. 99-12-08 -Winnepeg "Lady Godiva" stunt criticised. 99-12-10 -Pasadena College station KPCC-FM to be run by Minnesota public radio. 99-12-15 -FCC go-ahead for WQE Pittsburgh channel sale. radio. 99-12-15 - UK Radio Authority imposes record fines for broadcasts. 99-12-17 - First million pound prize on UK radio 99-12-22 - Major CBC changes foreseen. 99-12-23 - Entravision buys Latino Communications. 99-12-28 - Halifax broadcaster ups Internet stake. 99-12-28 - State sues Minnesote Public Radio 99-12-30 - LATimes on year of takeovers |
Main stories of the month 99-11-01 to 30: Australian talk show hosts under fire for taking payoffs. The running story of the month | |||||||
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