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As we build up archives, we will examine the possibility of a search engine, resources permitting; In the meantime we will list archives as follows:
a).The monthly archive (use link in next column) has a heading section of 'personalities' in alphabetical order index with links to first appearance of the monthand on to any subsequent apppearances.
b).This page(below and following columns) will list most main stories in the most recent months with a link to the relevant month.

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Text archives:
Click on link to go to
2000 Q1 Archive

December 1999
Main stories of the month
99-12-01 to 16: Australian talk show hosts under fire for taking payoffs. Again the running story of the month
99-12-03 New chiefs for UK Radio Authority.
to 22 UK Parliament hearings re BBC funding.

99-12-03 to 11 Copyright row over Canadian Internet re-broadcaster
-Australian ratings.
99-12-08 -Winnepeg "Lady Godiva" stunt criticised.
-Pasadena College station KPCC-FM to be run by Minnesota public radio.

-FCC go-ahead for WQE Pittsburgh channel sale. radio.
99-12-15 - UK Radio Authority imposes record fines for broadcasts.
- First million pound prize on UK radio
99-12-22 - Major CBC changes foreseen.
- Entravision buys Latino Communications.

- Halifax broadcaster ups Internet stake.
99-12-28 - State sues Minnesote Public Radio
99-12-30 - LATimes on year of takeovers

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November 1999

Main stories of the month
99-11-01 to 30: Australian talk show hosts under fire for taking payoffs. The running story of the month
99-11-09 KGO San Francisco goes All-talk.
99-11-10 New MD for ABC Australia
99-11-15: UK Commercial digital radio stations launched.
99-11-25: Rumblings of big shakeout in southern California radio industry
99-11-26: CBC Canada shelves plans for third radio network.
99-11-30: EMI sells its radio stake.

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