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Below find index to archives for July to September 2000
2000 Q2 Archive 2000 Q4 Archive

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September 2000

2000-09-01: More advertisers drop Dr Laura Schlessinger show.
AMFM now gone as Clear Channel deal is finally completed.

Sydney host John Laws found guilty of soliciting information about jury's secret deliberations.

Irish state broadcaster RTÉ broadcasts apology after sexist comments about women's sporting prowess by caller.
2000-09-02: More US radio deals/Nassau Broadcasting finds private equity for $185 million deal.

2000-09-02: Canadian Broadcast Standards Council raps Howard Stern for comments about mentally handicapped.
Licence news this week..

More jobs likely to go when second stage of Australian Broadcasting Corporation re-organization is announced.

Look at week's radio columns

000-09-05: CBC, Canada. starts new radio season with boost to budget.
UK Wireless Group chief attacks "diary" ratings system/ calls for introduction of radio metering system.

Sirius Satellite Radio successfully launches Sirius 2, second of its three satellites
2000-09-06: Former BBC Court Correspondent Godfrey Talbot/ US radio dramatist Lucille Fletcher die.

Australian radio host John Laws given 15 month suspended jail sentence.
000-09-07: US raises $320 million in another spectrum auction round.
US FCC Commissioners reveal splits over attitudes to radio consolidation following Clear Channel takeover of AMFM.

Foreign accents still a rarity on Irish radio.

2000-09-08: British and US governments expect more billions from sale of airwaves.
More US radio wheeling and dealing.

Cox Radio signs 5-year syndication deal for the "Lex and Terry Morning Radio Network."
2000-09-09: Million dollar winner in US radio competition.

2000-09-09: England gets transmitter angel on cathedral.
Irish State broadcaster RTÉ expects to lose £12 million this year with smaller losses next year.

2000-09-10: Licence news this week.
Chicago Radio station changes.

Look at past week's columnists
Weekend Irish ratings show commercial stations doing well.

WOR-AM, New York, breaks 50-year long link with family by firing morning host John Gambling.

UK Independent radio production companies object to "restricted list" for BBC Radio 4 commissions.

Dr Laura TV Show finally airs to mild protest and mixed reviews in low key debut.

Opposition to Low Power FM from existing broadcasters continues in US.

Radio job losses expected under Australian Broadcasting Corporation re-structuring.
2000-09-15: More advertisers drop Dr Laura TV show as US radio host finds it hard to replicate success on TV.
Chicago "Jammin Oldies" jock Larry Lujack's show to be aired in London, England, by Clear Channel.

US radio dealings continue with Clear Channel amongst others in yet more buys.

2000-09-16: Arbitron adds four new markets in its US Fall ratings, taking total up to 283.
Spike Networks cuts back its SpikeRadio operations.
2000-09-17: Licence news this week
2000-09-18: Look at prospects for UK Wireless Group.
Look at this week's radio columns.

WOR names Ed Walsh successor to John Gambling as Morning Host/ not to air Gambling's induction into Radio Hall of Fame

UK RAJAR defends diary radio audience research/ Measurecast tops 15000 stations for its online audience measurement/ Arbitron July web cast ratings out.
2000-09-20: Radio consolidation in Mexico/ more US deals.
UK Wireless Group 's losses up but it says TalkSport is a success.

2000-09-20: FCC Low Power FM applications for second filing window/ NAB meeting in San Francisco amidst controversy over its anti-LPFM lobbying.
2000-09-21: UK GWR Group selling 12 of the 17 AM stations in its Classic Gold network.
Former AMFM radio group head Jimmy de Castro surfaces at Ultimate Inc.

South Wales radio station Red Dragon hits headlines for allegedly sparking off national wave of panic fuel buying in the UK
2000-09-22: Miss America pageant sues radio host for suggesting contest was "fixed".
NAB convention gets underway with only a few protesters/ academics give convention mixed messages about future of radio.
000-09-23: Radio Liberty Tajik correspondent dies after being attacked in Moscow.
2000-09-23: US "Guardband" spectrum auction raises $520 million.

BBC has to close down radio satellite signal because of sports rights problems.

Only small demonstrations as National Association of Broadcasters keynote speech is given by retired US General Colin Powell

2000-09-24: US Federal Communications Commission modifies Low Power FM procedures to blunt lobby against LPFM.
2000-09-24: UK Virgin Radio releases details of digital strategy including new Internet radio station plans.
Licence news this week.

Software and PDA company Psion to sell device to enable PC users to receive digital radio audio and data signals.
Look at week's radio columns
Flood Tribunal inquiry resumes into payments made relating to award of Irelands first national commercial radio licences
2000-09-26: National Association of Broadcasters Convention escapes major protest but radio shares still well down from peak/annual Marconi Awards.

2000-09-27: San Francisco not to charge demonstrators arrested during NAB convention/NAB steps up lobbying against Low Power FM.
2UE does well in latest Sydney ratings.

Islamist MP calls for controls on BBC broadcasts in Kuwait after programme which discussed adultery.

Comedy Central to launch Internet comedy audio site.
US Federal Communications Commission levies two fines, each of $7000, on California station for indecency.

2000-09-28: More on Flood Tribunal in Ireland into national commercial licence award/ controversy over Dublin youth radio licence award to Spin FM
2000-09-29: More US radio deals as stocks remain low.
Two California DJs could face jail over prank in which allegedly they dressed as escaped prisoners and asked householders to remove their handcuffs.

BBC releases plan for five new national radio channels
2000-09-30: More US radio deals including Clear Channel application for yet more acquisitions.
Flood Tribunal in Dublin hears yet more evidence concerning issue of Ireland's first commercial national radio licence.
US National Broadcaster's fight against LPFM close to success with support only needed from one more Senator for majority in favour of Grams' bill

Top of next column

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August 2000

2000-08-01: Chicago's oldest station WMAQ dies.
2000-08-01: More Low Power FM legislature battles in US.
2000-08-02: Good second quarter results for US Spanish language group Hispanic Broadcasting
2000-08-02: XM Satellite Radio appoints 15 more members of programming team.

2000-08-02: Radio responsible for half justified complaints to BBC in second quarter of year.
2000-08-03: More strong second quarter US results, this time from Beasley and Entercom
BBC breakfast show presenter censured for interrupting NATO Secretary General too much in interview.
Australian cash-for-comment final report slates industry over obeying its codes and calls for new regulations and power to impose instant sanctions on offenders.
2000-08-04: Group owned by Christian sect takes over London station Radio Liberty/station director and deputy resign in protest.
Yet more strong second quarter US results, with Infinity nearing a billion dollars revenue for the quarter, Unica doing well.

Larry Lujack officially signs up with "The Beat" in Chicago for a year.

Maryland based Radio 1 Inc second quarter results.

More advertisers drom Dr Laura radio show.

2000-08-05: Look at "Native America Calling" weekday talk show to native Americans.
2000-08-06: Licence news this week.
Chinese radio station director may be fires after allowing talk-show caller to go on air calling for Communist Party to relinquish power.

BBC has healthy figures in RAJAR audience review but Chris Evans' Virgin breakfast show and TalkSport continue to lose audience.
2000-08-07: Boston DJ Charles Laquidara retires/ former New York DJ "Rosko" -William Roscoe Mercer dies;.
Weekly look at columnists -are Internet listeners that numerous?
2000-08-08: US Radio 1 Inc. does deal to get syndicated morning host Tom Joyner.
2000-08-08: More on protests planned by Low Power FM supporters at NAB September convention in San Francisco.
2000-08-09: Two more advertisers drop Dr Laura radio show.
US Radio industry set for another record year according to radio advertising bureau.
Sirius Satellite Radio says Sirius 1 in orbit tests successful, Sirius 2 is at launch site
Australian government does U-turn and increases funding for Radio Australia.

Sydney 2UE stays high in Sydney ratings despite cash-for-questions involvement and losing rugby rights.

Tom Joyner gains Boston and Houston outlets as a result of Radio 1 Inc deal/Salem Communications results.

XM satellite radio completes last $235 million financing round.

Australian Senate to investigate claims that ABC radio host was threatened with dismissal for political reasons.

2000-08-11:Yet two more advertisers drop Dr Laura radio show.
US shock jock Don Imus rants, raves and bans Senator Lieberman from his show after latter turns down appearance on the show.

Re-appointments and new appointments at Australian Broadcasting Authority.

Another advertiser drops Dr Laura / article argues that campaign is a new "Hollywood blacklist" of unpopular opinions.

Licence news this week.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation former general manager De Clement Semmler dies
2000-08-13: Bidding for German third-generation mobile phone spectrum tops $30 billion.
2000-08-14: Weekly look at columnists - has there been a sea change in attitudes to classical music broadcasts?
2000-08-15: Second quarter results for US Cumulus media show revenue rises due to acquisitions but worse performance on same station basis.
Ceridian sets October 5 as date for vote on splitting off Arbitron ratings arm.
One day after his !Lifetime ban" on Senator Lieberman, Don Imus welcomes him back to his show.
2000-08-16: Losers in Toronto licence battle challenge regulator's decisions.
Bids for German mobile phone radio spectrum top £24 billion.

US public radio show "This American Life" to go on the road for coast-to coast recordings before live audiences in December.

Bids for German mobile phone radio spectrum top £27 billion with forecasts now of £30 billion.

Clear Channel takeover of AMFM passes final hurdle with FCC giving approval/Viacom to buy 35% of Infinity shares it does not own.

2000-08-17: Children's radio to return to BBC Radio 4
Bids in German mobile phone spectrum auction top £29 billion.

Largest US Spanish language radio group Entravision releases first report as public company/completes takeover of Z-Spanish media.
2000-08-18: Clear Channel says it hopes to complete AMFM takeover within two weeks/ Infinity shareholder tries to stop Viacom share purchase
2000-08-19: Democrats underestimate US radio demands, giving republicans chances to take advantage during their convention.
German mobile phone spectrum auction ends with six companies bidding nearly £31 billion in total.

More US radio deals including more Clear Channel purchases.

2000-08-20: Licence news this week.
2000-08-21: Launch of Irish talk radio channel likely to be delayed by six months.
Look at columnists - including item on radio advertising pioneer Albert Lasker.

Italy next country in line to raise billions from mobile phone spectrum.

Replacement by radio turns into death sentence for Indian carrier pigeons.
Measurecast Inc sets up Internet streaming ratings service to compete with Arbitron's Infostream.

Clear Channel take over of AMFM moves close to completion as USS FCC issues relevant authorizations.

UK SMG group reports profits up 25% in first half/ GWR Group bids to take over Peterborough station Lite FM.

US National Public Radio to launch 2 radio channels on Sirius Satellite Radio/ Sirius agrees programming deal with Comedy World.

US authorities clear merger of USA Digital Radio and Lucent Digital Radio to form Ibiquity.

Independents continue to outshine state broadcaster RTÉ in Irish audience ratings.

2000-08-25: UK Radio Authority publishes Programming and Advertising Review covering complaints for first half of 2000.
Two more advertisers drop Dr Laura show.

Irish Times reports on tribulations of new Dublin station Lite FM with no audited figures to pull in advertisers.

Los Angeles station claims it is getting interference from 1000 watt station in Tijuana, Mexico.

2000-08-26: Popular WPGC, Washington, afternoon host Adimu Colon leaving for Los Angeles.
2000-08-26: Clear Channel moves speedily with dispositions following regulatory approval of AMFM take over/ even more acquisitions under way.
2000-08-27: UK Guardian profile on "woman's first cricket commentator".
Licence news this week
2000-08-28: Albanian radio soap said to have 65% of nation and 90% in north listening regularly.
Christians chafe at restrictions both sides of Atlantic.

Look at columnists this week's from death threat from caller to Howard Stern show to return of children's radio in UK
Sirius Satellite Radio announced September launch date for its second satellite.
Woman juror tells court that Australian host John Laws did not put undue pressure on her to talk on air about jury room matters.

More US radio deals and Clear Channel tidying up.

2000-08-30: Ireland opts for beauty contest" approach instead of auction for third generation mobile licences.
Detroit schools educational radio station may be sold off.
British Aviation regulator issues warning about radio "hackers" giving false instructions to pilots.

2000-08-31: Channel radio service may be closed as Eurotunnel withdraws support
2000-08-31: Christian oriented Salem Communications builds up Dallas strength through station swap.

Clear Channel take over of AMFM close to completion as US Department of Justice starts final legal moves.

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2000-07-01: Yet more consolidation deals in US radio.
2000-07-01:US and UK Radio Awards
2000-07-01: Billions forecast in bidding as Canada sets to auction 3rd generation mobile phone spectrum.
2000-07-02: London Jazz FM shares shoot up following agreement to broadcast on second London digital channel
2000-07-02: Broadcast recording pointers to keeping noise out of a garden.
2000-07-02: Licence news of the week
Sirius Satellite Radio successfully launches its first satellite.

2000-07-03: Look at week's radio columns
2000-07-04: Columbian radio station calls and requests all from relatives of kidnapped people.
US Public Radio pushes World Radio Network into dropping Chinese radio from its feed to US public radio stations.

Yet more US radio takeovers.

UK Radio Authority suggests lighter regulation of radio of the future.
US radio host Don Imus, who was injured in riding accident, leaves hospital.
2000-07-06: BBC says free market cannot ensure balance between public service and commercial broadcasters in submission on future broadcasting regulation to UK government.
New York DJ joins move to Internet saying that broadcast radio isn't the future
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation confirms Shelagh Rogers is to replace Michael Enright as host of "This Morning" current affairs radio show.
2000-07-07: Changes in Chicago radio scene as impact of takeovers builds up.
More inroads by Internet into radio territory as live commentary starts on cricket site.

UK Radio 2 presenter criticizes BBC £5 million talent search as unnecessary.

2000-07-08: Yet more US acquisitions by radio giant Clear Channel.
Canadian regulator passes major consolidation deal in Canadian broadcasting .
2000-07-09: US radio host Dr Laura loses another advertiser on her radio show as a result of protests from gays and lesbians.
Licence news of the week
2000-07-10: Irish government to sell transmission network of state broadcaster/unlikely to increase licence fee.
2000-07-10: More UK flotation plans for radio-linked companies.
2000-07-10: Look at week's radio columns.
US radio host Don Imus back on air.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation denies it is firing host who mocked Prime Minister.
British Broadcasting Corporation to lose some 900 jobs over 3 years in cost cutting drive.

XM satellite radio raises further $235 million to complete financing up to commercial launch
Readers feedback on worst radio adverts to Washington Post column.

2000-07-12: Yet more US and UK radio takeovers.
Chicago's oldest radio call letters -WMAQ - given death sentence.

UK Radio Authority issues warning over political partiality.

Leading US digital radio technology companies to marge

UK Capital Radio to take over Scottish station, Beat 106.

2000-07-14: Spike Networks and former boss Chris O'Hanlon settle US sexual harassment case for $750,000
UK optimism for Internet radio/latest Arbitron InfoStream top Internet channels.

George Putnam marks his 86th birthday and 25 years hosting Los Angeles radio show.
Internet audiences still not even near a patch on thos of traditional broadcasters.

2000-07-15: More US and UK radio deals.
Licence news of the week.
Former BBC pop channel Radio 1 disc jockey Andy Kershaw hired by BBC "classical music" channel Radio 3.
2000-07-17: Former KACD, Los Angeles, moves lock, stock and barrel to Internet only broadcasting.
Look at week's radio columns.

Battle continues in US over Low Power FM plans
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation puts transmission network up for sale.
Arbitron radio ratings company to be spun off from Ceridian as separate company.

BBC World Service radio gets extra £64 million over three years from government.
2000-07-20: BBC publishes its fifth List of Promises to listeners and viewers.
Flood Tribunal in Ireland resumes hearings over allegations that politicians took bribes for radio licences.

Changes and ratings in Chicago radio

Australian Broadcasting Corporation threatens over latter mentioning ABC websites on its programmes.
2000-07-21: More testimony from Century radio directors as Flood Tribunal hearings continue in Dublin

More details emerge of job losses at WMAQ, Chicago.

2000-07-22: Bad news for BBC staff as British ministers says 11000 job cuts not enough.
More on US Low Power FM plans.

Clear Channel takeover of AMFM given judicial go-ahead.

2000-07-23: Licence news this week.
Toronto Globe and Mail carries intriguing obituary of radio pioneer Reginald Fessenden --68 years after he died!

More proceedings of Flood tribunal enquiry i
nto Irish radio industry.
2000-07-24: Look at week's radio columns.
2000-07-25: UK report into radio listening habits shows most objection are to racism, bad language and hectoring phone-in callers.
US radio host Dr Laura Schlessinger fighting back after losing 12 major sponsors as a result of gay and lesbian campaigners protests.

2000-07-25: New Sydney commercial licence awarded.
2000-07-26: More changes in Chicago: Chet Coppock finds new job outside Infinity which is closing WMAQ.
Four British groups form consortium to bid for group of digital licences.

2000-07-26: XM Satellite Radio forms partnership with Country Music Hall of Fame.
Joan Rivers suspended for week from her New York talk show after swearing makes it to air.

More US deals including Clear Channel-Cumulus and results including Cox.
2000-07-28: More proceedings of Flood tribunal enquiry into Irish radio industry.
More strong US radio results including Clear Channel. More US deals.

2000-07-28: BBC Radio One disc jockey Sara Cox rapped for on-air comments about sizes of colleague's penises.
2000-07-29: BBC appoints Nigel Chapman deputy director of BBC World Service.
US Federal Communications Commission announces new Low Power FM filing window.

Flood tribunal enquiry into Irish radio industry goes into recess until September.

2000-07-30: Yet more US radio deals and first half results.
US National Public Radio reported to be considering spinning off its Internet operations.
Licence news this week.

2000-07-31: More Dr Laura Schlessinger.
Veteran Chicago disc jockey Larry Lujack reported to be signing permanent return deal.

Look at week's radio columns.

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