Below find index to archives for January to March 2001 ![]() ![]() Click on link to go to March 2001 2001-03-01: SMG increases SRH stake further/More strong radio results for 2000 but warnings about 2001. 2001-03-01: US FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani on warpath again after FCC dismissed another indecency complaint. 2001-03-01: Latest Measurecast Internet audio ratings. 2001-03-01: US Republican Senator John McCain introduces new Low Power FM which would remove curbs -- but has little chance of passing. 2001-03-02: Sirius Satellite Radio raises $230 million and XM $201 million 2001-03-02: BBC World Service broadcasts "gung-ho claptrap" regarding Gulf War. 2001-03-02: BBC to broadcast 300 programme "A Sense of Place" as a sequel to "The Century Speaks"its 640-programme oral history of the 20th Century. 2001-03-03: Friends of KUNC purchase KUNC-FM public station in Greeley from University of Northern Colorado for $2 million. 2001-03-03: Boston public radio station WBUR and Christopher Lydon, former host of The Connection, part following dispute over Lydon's call for part ownership of the show. 2001-03-03: Former Democratic National Committee secretary appeals against dismissal of her $5 million lawsuit against right wing US talk show host and convicted Watergate conspirator Gordon Liddy. 2001-03-04: US Radio Advertising Bureau reports radio income down in January compared to 2001 but still up compared to 1998, before dot com boom. 2001-03-04: Battle for talent in Sydney, Australia, as new FM prepares for air. 2001-03-04: Licence news of the week. 2001-03-05: BBC Radio 4 farming "soap" comes under attack for being religiously and politically incorrect. 2001-03-05: Look at radio items in last week's newspapers. 2001-03-06: US Federal Communications Commission fines Tampa. Florida, station for indecency over content of live rap and hip-hop concert. 2001-03-06: Austereo debut on Australian market falls far short of earlier hopes. 2001-03-07: Doug "Greaseman" Tracht returns to US airwaves after three years out following 1999 firing for racist comment. 2001-03-07: Latest Measurecast ratings show online audience continuing to rise sharply. 2001-03-08: XM's "Rock" satellite now on way to equator for March 18 launch. 2001-03-08: Scottish Media Group yet again increases its share of Scottish Radio Holdings. 2001-03-08: Flood Tribunal into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence hears testimony from minister responsible for broadcasting at the time. 2001-03-08: Spike O'Dell, who took over as WGN, Chicago, morning host when Bob Collins died in plane crash, signs up for three years. 2001-03-09: UK Lite FM sold to Forward Media following delays in approval of GWR bid. 2001-03-09: US Christian oriented Salem Communications reports record 2000, is upbeat about this year. 2001-03-09: Good prospects for US Hispanic stations after Census report shows Hispanics are already largest US minority group and expected to be a quarter of US populations by 2050. 2001-03-10: Flood Tribunal in Ireland hears more about planned transmission charges for country's first national commercial radio station. 2001-03-10: More UK digital radio developments. 2001-03-11: Look at past week's licence news. 2001-03-12: DMG prepares for launch of its new Sydney FM station. 2001-03-12: Look at radio related items in past week's newspapers. 2001-03-13: Former radio reporter and BBC Israel correspondent Michael Elkins dies in Jerusalem. 2001-03-13: US Federal Communications Commission clears up three-quarters of its "red-flagged" radio deals. 2001-03-14: Denver DJ "Willie B" fined and sentenced to community service for "chicken dropping" stunt. 2001-03-14: UK Radio Authority receives 3 applications for third London digital licence, four for new Northern Ireland FM licence. 2001-03-14: Talk Radio finally edged out of top spot in Measurecast Internet audio rankings/Arbitron gives classical music the top spot. 2001-03-15: Flood Tribunal to re-examine evidence given by former Irish minister for communications after he sends letter retracting previous evidence re £15,000 "donation." 2001-03-15: Australian 3G spectrum auction loses major bidder before it starts today. 2001-03-15: UK Capital Radio's programme director retires to pursue "creative" interests. 2001-03-15: More evidence of US radio slowdown. 2001-03-16: Bids in first day of Australian 3G mobile spectrum auction top Aus$800 million. 2001-03-16: Former BBC executive Michael Bannister returns as stand-in radio presenter. 2001-03-16: More proceedings of Flood Tribunal into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence. 2001-03-16: US radio -Cumulus results/Bonneville's new format in Chicago, news on various hosts. 2001-03-17: Italy threatens to cut off power to Vatican Radio because its transmitters exceed legal emission limits. 2001-03-17: Only Aus$38 million extra bid on second day of Australian 3G mobile spectrum auction. 2001-03-17: US radio -Analysts report upbeat about future, strong NBG Network results for 2000. 2001-03-17: Former minister tells Flood Tribunal into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence that he did not personally order cap on advertising revenues of competing state broadcaster. 2001-03-18: John Hopkins University. Baltimore, trying to sell its WJHU-FM public radio station. 2001-03-18: Licence news for the past week. 2001-03-18: Advertisers boycott Florida station over stunt including castration and killing of a wild boar in the parking lot. 2001-03-19: "Go 4 It" title chosen for weekly's BBC children's programming to start Easter Sunday. 2001-03-19: Look at newspaper radio items and columns over the past week. 2001-03-19: XM Satellite radio finally gets its first satellite into space. 2001-03-20: Australian 3G spectrum auctions seems to be limping to early close after only three days. 2001-03-20: Jay Kernis to return to US National Public Radio after 14 years with CBS news. 2001-03-20: XM's first satellite functioning normally and should be moved into final orbit within a few days. 2001-03-21: Measurecast latest Internet ratings/ new index shows listening up by nearly a half since beginning of the year. 2001-03-21: Australian 3G auction limps along with early close likely. 2001-03-21: Indiana station kills off radio show after 70 years/ FCC raids pirate station in Oregon. 2001-03-21: Top rated Sydney 2UE station reported up for sale. 2001-03-22: 3-Com to discontinue Kerbango Internet Radio nine months after it bought company for $80 million. 2001-03-22: Federal Communications Commission now reported to be investigating the boar slaying on Bubba the Love Spong's " show. 2001-03-22: Australian 3G auction total now above government reserve price after 16 rounds. 2001-03-22: New York radio conference sticks to upbeat predictions about radio's growth potential. 2001-03-23: Australian 3G spectrum auction ends after raising Aus$ 1,168,993,500 2001-03-23: UK and US radio shares fall amidst general market gloom. 2001-03-23: Southern Cross Broadcasting buys Lamb family radio holdings including top rated Sydney 2UE. 2001-03-24: US FCC confirms fine for playing unedited song, another for antenna violations and calling for licence revocation in third case. 2001-03-24: Californian radio host comes up with power saving idea for the state. 2001-03-24: Week ends with small rally but radio shares significantly down. 2001-03-25: Sydney Morning Herald suggests takeover of Sydney 2UE may mean demise of 2UE star hosts Alan Jones and John Laws. 2001-03-25: Licence news over the past week. 2001-03-26: One-on-One Sports becomes The Sporting News Radio Network 2001-03-26: Doug "The Greaseman" Tracht adds Baltimore to his comeback list. 2001-03-26: Singapore Telecom to buy Optus Australian mobile network. 2001-03-26: Look at radio-related columns and items which have caught our eye over the past week. 2001-03-27: BBC Radio 5 reported to be looking for big names after audience research shows most people had not heard of the channel. 2001-03-28: "Bubba the Love Sponge" back on air after 15-day suspension over boar killing and castration stunt. 2001-03-28: Measurecast weekly Internet audio ratings show increase of 60% this year. 2001-03-28: US advertising revenues fall again in February/US Major League Baseball now to charge for online audio broadcasts of games. 2001-03-29: US FCC Enforcement Bureau again attacked by Commissioner Tristani for dismissing indecency complaint. 2001-03-29: BBC World Service claims a record 153 million listeners a week. 2001-03-29: US National Public Radio decides to bar underwriting from governments after controversy over accepting payments from Kuwait. 2001-03-30: Doug "The Greaseman" Tracht adds Ocean City station to his comeback list. 2001-03-30: Short term woes but long term hopes from Scottish Radio Holdings and Emmis Communications. 2001-03-30: UK Broadcasting Standards Commission upholds complaints about two UK radio shows. 2001-03-31: Format changes in US - San Francisco loses Classical station, Washington DC loses Jammin Oldies outlet. 2001-03-31:UK Radio Authority bulletin on complaints in final quarter of last year. 2001-03-31: "Bubba the Love Sponge" and three others charged with "animal cruelty" offence which can carry up to 5 year jail sentence.
Click on link to go to 2001-02-01: Measurecast Internet streaming ratings show further audience increase over previous week. 2001-02-01: US Radio Host and Watergate conspirator G Gorgon Liddy concludes his testimony in case brought after he made allegations concerning call-girl ring. 2001-02-01: New members of Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council. 2001-02-01: US FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth to stand down when his term expires. 2001-02-02: Latest UK radio ratings show BBC increasing its dominance/best commercial broadcaster's performance is TalkSport's in moving to largely male audience. 2001-02-02: Further hearings of Flood Tribunal into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence. 2001-02-02: French government sets up new sale for mobile spectrum following lack of bidders at first try/ US postpones its auction of TV-band spectrum. 2001-02-03: Look at past week's radio deals. 2001-02-03: Defamation suit against US conservative radio host G Gordon Liddy is dismissed by Baltimore judge 2001-02-03: Morning hosts signed for new Sydney FM station of DMG Radio Australia. 2001-02-04: Veteran BBC horse racing commentator Peter Bromley to retire after this year's "Derby" race. 2001-02-04: Irish regulator rules against Ulster TV bid for Irish radio company. 2001-02-04: Licence news this week. 2001-02-05: More job losses expected at BBC as director general Greg Dyke marks his first year in office. 2001-02-05: Los Angeles reporter gets his 13th Golden Mike award 2001-02-05: Look at week's radio columns. 2001-02-06: "Apologize in Public Tonight" is latest hit show on Beijing Radio. 2001-02-06: Sirius Satellite Radio ties up with Sony for production of home, portable and car receivers. 2001-02-06: BBC Director-General tells staff no additional job cuts planned but confirms loss of 1000 non-programming jobs over four years. 2001-02-06:After 99 months of growth US radio revenues fell overall in December according to Radio Advertising Bureau. 2001-02-07: New US FCC chairman lays out his agenda at first news conference/ FCC also rescinds fine connected with Howard Stern show. 2001-02-07: Yet more Internet listeners according to Measurecast/Clear Channel reported to be buying Net Radio company Enigma Digital. 2001-02-07: Cox Radio completes more deals/Entercom fourth quarter results. 2001-02-08: Yet more US Q4 results and business developments including satellite radio 2001-02-08: UK radio station prize is new breasts for local woman. 2001-02-08: Democrat US FCC commissioner Gloria Tristani attacks approvals of deals which she says concentrate one George market too much and in another allows giant Clear Channel too many stations. 2001-02-09: Radio One Inc announces it is to buy third largest African-American owned radio network in US/Radio One and Cox Radio Q4 results. 2001-02-09: More on Flood Tribunal enquiry into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence. 2001-02-09: Nebraska radio station offers itself as the prize in a contest. 2001-02-10: BroadcastAmerica assets taken by SurferNetwork/ radio business deals. 2001-02-10: Satellite and digital radio developments including new XM launch schedule. 2001-02-10: Streaming and general Internet use up in US but less time on average now spent online. 2001-02-11: Concern that US may withdraw spectrum currently allocated to educational purposes to meet demand for mobile communications. 2001-02-11: Licence news for the past week. 2001-02-12: Rows at US Pacifica Network continue with host quitting on air to join movement to change board. 2001-02-12: Two more California radio veterans die. 2001-02-12: Look at newspaper radio columns and articles this week. 2001-02-13: UK Radio Authority attacked as dictatorial at seminar. 2001-02-13: US Federal Communications Commission levies fines for indecency and pirate operation. 2001-02-13: BBC Radio Five retains Formula One motor racing rights. 2001-02-14: Hungary's first gypsy radio station now on air. 2001-02-14: Sydney 2UE hosts battle to open road is won. 2001-02-14: Latest Measurecast Internet audio ratings. 2001-02-14: More US business results and deals. 2001-02-15: Former executive of Sacramento-based Z-Spanish Radio executive to plead guilty to payola-related offence. 2001-02-15: US FCC Commissioner Gloria Tristani on warpath again over rejection of indecency complaint. 2001-02-15: UK radio operators team up with California-based Command Audio to develop radio on demand device. 2001-02-15: Latest US radio results including Clear Channel and Viacom's Infinity Broadcasting. 2001-02-16: UK government whose broadband spectrum auction flopped in November is to re-offer licences at their reserve price. 2001-02-16: Dot com woes hit audio streamers with more cutbacks, pull outs and bankruptcy filings. 2001-02-16: BBC Radio 5 to air Big Brother style political game show in run up to UK General Election. Seven contestants will be whittled down one a day until a winner emerges. 2001-02-17: Boston public radio host Christopher Lydon suspended after row over his claim for share of profits from his syndicated show. 2001-02-17: UK Chrysalis radio to spend £2 million on marketing its Heart FM station in London/ups it stake in Bridge FM. 2001-02-17: US owner of copyright on most old-time radio shows takes action to stop Internet swapping of recordings. 2001-02-18: Four staff of Boston public station WBUR-FM's "The Connection" show quit after host and senior producer were suspended. 2001-02-18: Licence news this week. 2001-02-19: Veteran US radio engineer Robert Mitchell Silliman dies. 2001-02-19: Look at UK digital radio scene as viewed by SRH subsidiary Score Digital. 2001-02-19: This week's radio columns, concentrating on the influence of business upon radio output. 2001-02-20: BBC Radio 4 flagship "Today" show grooming newcomer to replace Sue MacGregor, its longest serving presenter. 2001-02-20: Washington City newspaper slams current US radio, looks to satellite radio as the shape of radio to come. 2001-02-21: Latest Measurecast and Arbitron Internet audio ratings. 2001-02-21: UK Financial Times looks at changes to BBC Radio 1 pop channel. 2001-02-22: US Federal Communications Commission fines stations for broadcasting phone calls without caller's consent. 2001-02-22: Sydney 2GB releases list of outside payments to its presenters. 2001-02-22: US radio deals including subsuming of Infinity into Viacom. 2001-02-23: Busy week in Chicago radio with cut backs, format changes and appointments. 2001-02-23: US Federal Communications Commission says radio is lagging behind TV in move to digital technology/completes latest spectrum auction. 2001-02-23: Record results from Regent Communications, XM to raise another $175 million. 2001-02-24: Scottish Media Group ups its stake in Scottish Radio Holdings to 23% 2001-02-24: Both XM and Sirius Satellite Radio stocks fall as they seek new funding. 2001-02-25: California disc jockey who staged stunt pretending to be escaped prisoner is now to be a real one - he got 45 days in jail. 2001-02-25: Licence news this week. 2001-02-26: Two US female radio veterans die. 2001-02-26:UK Saga Group hopes demographics will make its over-50's target audience a commercial success. 2001-02-26: Look at week's radio columns, concentrating on Chicago. 2001-02-27: Red Hot FM wins new Cork licence in Irelands, shortlist issued of applicants for new Dublin stations. 2001-02-27: US Federal Communications Commission fines Utah station over unauthorized transfer of control. 2001-02-27: UK Chrysalis's venture closes down tomorrow but UK Jazz FM finally makes a profit thanks to CD sales. 2001-02-28: Doug "The Greaseman" Tracht, US DJ fired in 1999 for racist comment, attempts comeback with syndicated show. 2001-02-28: More radio results - SMG, UK, Citadel in US plus Emmis Q1 warning. 2001-02-28: Death of WNIB as classical outlet boosts funds pledged to remaining Chicago classical station. |
Click on link to go to 2001-01-01: US FCC and NAB ask Federal Court to remand Low Power FM case back to the agency for former to amend rules to comply with new LPFM law. 2001-01-01: Look at past week's radio columns. 2001-01-02: World's longest running radio soap opera marks 50th anniversary with episode 13,169. 2001-01-03: UK TalkSport re-vamps programmes and appoints new programme director. 2001-01-03: Satellite radio moves ahead with XM's first launch scheduled next week. 2001-01-04: New managing director for Capital Radio, London. 2001-01-04: Irish Interdenominational Christian group applies for medium wave religious radio licence. 2001-01-04: US radio stocks bound following interest rate cut/ other North American radio news. 2001-01-05: Third-placed Boston talk station WXEM-AM to change call sign to WBIX-Am and format to business news 2001-01-05: Troubled sinks deeper as potential investment falls through. 2001-01-06: More protests over firings at Pacifica Network's New York station WBAI-FM. 2001-01-06: Measurecast weekly Internet ratings supplemented by monthly report/ show large audience fall during holidays. 2001-01-06: Art Bell to return as host of syndicated US overnight show Coast to Coast. 2001-01-07: Busy time for XM Satellite Radio with receivers on display at Las Vegas show and launch due Monday. 2001-01-07: Licence News this week. 2001-01-08: Demonstration outside Pacifica network New York station WBAI over firings. 2001-01-08: Ulster TV may go to European court if Irish regulator prohibits Cork radio take over. 2001-01-08: Look at week's columnists with emphasis on radio technological development, satellite and digital. 2001-01-09: Hispanic Broadcasting shares plunge by a third/ other US radio business news. 2001-01-09: XM Satellite Radio launch is delayed/good digital radio test results for Ibiquity Digital Corporation. 2001-01-10: Latest Measurecast Internet audio ratings show audience rise after holidays/Arbitron October figures present different snapshot of webcasts. 2001-01-10: XM Satellite Radio launch delay likely to be for few days 2001-01-11: Arbitron to start trials of its Portable People Meter audience research device in Philadelphia. 2001-01-11: XM Satellite Radio launch now rescheduled for February 28. 2001-01-11: Chicago format changes may hit two veteran hosts. 2001-01-12: Christian group in English Midlands to try to boost hopes for Christian radio licence bid at pray-in. 2001-01-12: US Federal Communications Commission pays public farewell to chairman William Kennard at open Agenda Meeting. 2001-01-12: BBC Director of News Tony Hall heads to Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. 2001-01-13: William E Kennard sets January 19 as day to step down as US FCC chairman. 2001-01-13: Look at radio results and deals as US radio stocks bound up. 2001-01-14: Canadian Broadcast watchdog rules against Quebec host who criticized family who were trying to help the less fortunate as crooks and welfare recipients in general. 2001-01-14: Licence news this week. 2001-01-15: More radio veterans' obituaries. 2001-01-15: Look at radio columns and what we fear are lost-cause pleas. 2001-01-16: Ratings boost from US elections may have saved Boston talk station. 2001-01-16: Bankruptcy judge gives tentative approval for plans to auction 2001-01-17: Profile of Richard E (Dick) Wiley, lawyer, former FCC chairman, and advisor on communications to incoming Bush administration 2001-01-17: US radio deals including $2 billion bid for Citadel Communications. 2001-01-18: Measurecast Internet audio ratings show massive jump as Americans return to work full time. 2001-01-18: UK radio presenter fools English soccer coach/ Manchester United fans place hoax calls purporting to be from Manchester City. 2001-01-18: US Federal court rules affirmative action rules for broadcasters are unconstitutional as separate report shows low minority ownership in broadcast media. 2001-01-19: More US radio deals including yet more for Clear Channel. 2001-01-19: BBC claims public support for digital radio plans/look at London digital radio scene. 2001-01-19: Australian group Austereo prepares for public listing. 2001-01-20: US radio station fined $7000 for broadcasting unexpurgated version of Eminem song. 2001-01-20: Austereo being valued for re-listing at twice its value when it was de-listed. 2001-01-20: Tapes of British DJ Chris Evans' attack on his bosses when BBC Radio 1 host reported to have been wiped. 2001-01-21: Convicted Watergate conspirator and current US radio host C. Gordon Liddy sued for remarks that Watergate break-in was all about Democratic-run call girl ring. 2001-01-21: Licence news this week. 2001-01-22: StopDrLaura web site closes after radio host's TV show seems on verge of failure. 2001-01-22: Look at the week's radio columns. 2001-01-23: XM Satellite Radio announces more programme and receiver manufacturing deals. 2001-01-23: Business shorts including Bloomberg and Salem deals. 2001-01-23: New York's "Radio Chick" is saved through action by fans and advertisers. 2001-01-24: Four bidders for Dublin religious AM licence/UK licence awards. 2001-01-24: Michael Powell appointed chairman of US Federal Communications Commission. 2001-01-25: Sydney 2GB hires staff from Australian Broadcasting Corporation to go up-market. 2001-01-25: Measurecast Internet audio ratings show total listeners up but time down in many cases. 2001-01-25: UK Capital Radio shares drop as it reports revenues up but voices caution about future growth of UK radio in short term. 2001-01-26: Austereo float price forecast as likely to be around bottom of institutional book range. 2001-01-26: Flood Tribunal into award of Ireland's first national commercial radio licence hears more from Century Radio co-founder James Stafford. 2001-01-26: Nepalese Parliamentary Committee orders government to end ban on private radio stations carrying their own news. 2001-01-27: Deaths of Toronto and Boston radio hosts. 2001-01-27: New US Federal Communications Commission chairman Powell appoints his Chief of Staff and FCC transition team. 2001-01-27: UK Virgin Radio cuts teen pop in favour of classic rock and pop. 2001-01-28: US mobile spectrum auction raises nearly $19 billion but French auction has problems after two of the four bidders withdraw. reaches court approved settlement under which BA Funding takes over is US streaming contracts. 2001-01-28: Licence news this week. 2001-01-29: US broadcasters go to law to avoid paying extra Internet royalties for streaming stations' normal broadcasts on Internet. 2001-01-29: Look at week's radio columns. 2001-01-30: Matsushita/ Panasonic agree receiver production deal with XM Satellite Radio. 2001-01-30: BBC Radio veteran Phil Harding to take over as director of English networks and news for BBC World Service. 2001-01-30: StreamAudio to organize and pay for digital recording rights for its affiliated stations. 2001-01-31: Look at swathe of radio station changes in Chicago. 2001-01-31: New South Wales Supreme Court hears how Sydney radio star John Laws went straight to the top over road changes that delayed his journey home. 2001-01-31: WILD-AM in Boston in dispute over firing after aggressive interview with the Mayor/update on Pacifica dispute at WBAI-FM, New York.
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