Prime Radio Stations
Streams are
Real Audio in
all cases: Some have Windows
as well.

ABC, Australia
Streams list:
Radio Australia
News stream

ABC, Anerica
(Links to audio)

World Service:
(Links to audio services)
UK -Radio 1:
UK -Radio 2 :
UK Radio 3:
UK--Radio 4:
UK Radio Five Live:

BBC Where I L
ive (for local stations):
Radio 1 stream:
Radio 2 Stream:
Radio 3 stream:
Radio 4 stream (FM)
Radio 4 stream (AM):
Radio 5 stream:

Links to audio streams:

Hourly newscast:

US National Public Radio

Voice of America
Audio News reports:

WORLD RADIO NETWORK ((listeners area has on-demand audio reports from various broadcasters from round the world)

ZDTV Radio
Technical news -home page

Music Streams
King (US)
RTE Lyric FM (Ireland):
WQXR (links to stream):

E-Mail us

Browsers and Players

We have put some notes here on this subject to aid you both for this site and also in terms of Internet audio generally.
Audio links : Real.jpg shows link to Real Audio, by far the most widely used on the web.

MP3.jpg shows link to MP3 files.

MP3 Audio Players
Streaming Audio

This site has been constructed for the PC rather than the Apple Mac

PC browsers are now available free via either downloads or from Computer Magazine CD's, so we initially worked on the basis that users of this site would have either Internet Explorer or or Netscape in Versions 4 or above.
We also tried to ensure that nothing crucial will be lost with versions back to 2 nor with other browsers such as Opera
(Good shareware from a Norwegian based company taking up around 2Mb as opposed to 20 Mb or more for the full versions if IE5 and the latest Netscape if you count the plug-ins that come with them)

Subsequent developments have seen Netscape disappear, although Mozilla's Firefox used its basics.

The three main browsers around as of 2010 were Google Chrome, Mozilla's Firefox, and Internet Explorer

Again basic MP3 software is widely available either free -note that Real Player and WIndows Media Player handle MP3's as well as streaming audio-- see next column--or as modestly priced shareware from computer magazine CDs or downloads.

Apart from these two Winamp is probably the most widely used and is the smallest download as well as being free):


Real Networks and Microsoft are the most widely used systems although Flash-based (no owned by Adobe) streams are gaining in popularity.

To take full advantage of station on the Internet, you really need all three players

Basic players are free but sites do try and push more fully featured versions for which there is a charge.

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Comment Index Browsers and players
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Feedback, 38 Creswick Road, Acton, London W3 9HF, UK: