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Radio Stations
Currently we are filing our monthly comment page in the
first half of the month; if you have topics you'd wish to raise for
comment or even make a guest comment, please contact us. |
November 1999: | Introductory comment Where we are and want to go | |||||||||
December 1999 | The Radio Century - a look back | |||||||||
January 2000 | A look ahead to a new century | |||||||||
February 2000 | Whose spectrum should it be? | |||||||||
March 2000 | The need for informed judgement. | |||||||||
April 2000 | Tricks of the trade or deceiving the audience. | |||||||||
May 2000 | The Internet Bonus? | |||||||||
June 2000 | Audio, adverts and public service | |||||||||
July 2000 | Standards or censorship? | |||||||||
August 2000 | A medium unique when on the move. | |||||||||
September 2000 | Will the Internet ever really matter for radio? | |||||||||
October 2000 | Satellite and digital radio. | |||||||||
November 2000 | Does radio need extras? | |||||||||
December 2000 | A look at Year 2000 | |||||||||
January 2001 | Our 2001 Wish List | |||||||||
February 2001 | The implications of going digital. | |||||||||
March 2001 | Do we need regulators? | |||||||||
April 2001 | Making regulation effective. | |||||||||
May 2001 | What makes high quality commercial radio? | |||||||||
June 2001 | What should we be "Rating" for radio? | |||||||||
July 2001 | International radio services. | |||||||||
August 2001 | A look at digital and satellite radio as services develop. | |||||||||
September 2001 | Attack on the US: How broadcasters performed and what is to come. | |||||||||
October 2001 | Attack on the US 2 : Fighting for hearts and minds | |||||||||
November 2001 | Values or valuations? Our fears for radio in recession! | |||||||||
December 2001 | Our year end wish list. | |||||||||
January 2002 | Sense on censorship. | |||||||||
February 2002 | Killing the streaming | |||||||||
March 2002 | Consolidation - Pros and Cons | |||||||||
April 2002 | Choosing diversity. | |||||||||
May 2002 | Internet streaming | |||||||||
June 2002 | When does efficiency from consolidation stray into abuse of power? | |||||||||
July 2002 | In favour of public service broadcasting. | |||||||||
August 2002 | Radio Data Services - Extras or delusions? | |||||||||
September 2002 | Opie and Anthony - whose responsibility, and what action should be taken? | |||||||||
October 2002 | Societies' and broadcasters' news responsibilities. | |||||||||
November 2002 | IBOC - a step forwards or sideways? | |||||||||
December 2002 | Does US broadcasting need a "fairness doctrine"? | |||||||||
January 2003 | Our hopes for 2003 | |||||||||
February 2003 | Copyright for the future. | |||||||||
March 2003 | Equipment design. | |||||||||
April 2003 | War, business, freedoms and responsibilities. | |||||||||
May 2003 | Public v Private Interests. | |||||||||
June 2003 | Our view of new US media regulations. | |||||||||
July 2003 | More of what - or is the technological fix a pipedream? | |||||||||
August 2003 | Looks at how different regulatory regimes have affected the success of digital radio. | |||||||||
September 2003 | Audience meters are on the way soon. | |||||||||
October 2003 | Considers whether talk radio need be the province of bigots and the crude. | |||||||||
November 2003 | Penalties related to the importance attached to things. | |||||||||
December 2003 | Our wish list for 2004. | |||||||||
January 2004 | Convergence - reality or delusion? | |||||||||
February 2004 | Straws, camels and regulators - has the US lost its marbles over a breast? | |||||||||
March 2004 | More US moralizing - does the country really want to step back in time? | |||||||||
April 2004 | Indecency, priorities, regulators - and fairness. | |||||||||
May 2004 | Radio the medium as technology advances. | |||||||||
June 2004 | In praise of a mixed broadcasting sector (and of the (BBC) licence fee). | |||||||||
July 2004 | Content regulation -Canada and the USA. | |||||||||
August 2004 | Radio - the emergency saviour. | |||||||||
September 2004 | Reputations and reliability. | |||||||||
October 2004 | Perhaps the future is nearer than we thought. | |||||||||
November 2004 | What we'd like from radio in the future. | |||||||||
December 2004 | Highlights, lowlights, high life, low life, and trends of 2004. | |||||||||
January 2005 | Broadcast regulation: Inaccuracy, bigotry, indecency and racism. | |||||||||
February 2005 | Of public and advertiser pressures on stations. | |||||||||
March 2005 | US radio - whither or to wither? | |||||||||
April 2005 | Can HD radio hack it in the US? | |||||||||
May 2005 | Podcasting - Opportunity or threat? | |||||||||
June 2005 | Why we need public broadcasting. | |||||||||
July 2005 | Considers the issue of payola and why it should matter. | |||||||||
August 2005 | Could making choices too easy lead to narrower minds? | |||||||||
September 2005 | NAB 2005 Radio Show - Dogs that did and didn't bark. | |||||||||
October 2005 | Convergence - Development or delusion for radio? | |||||||||
November 2005 | Got the picture? Get the audio right! | |||||||||
December 2005 | Our Look back at 2005 | |||||||||
January 2006 | Digital radio choices - quantity and quality | |||||||||
February 2006 | Can commercial radio's current business model survive? | |||||||||
March 2006 | The battle for rating. | |||||||||
April 2006 | Live or later: Implications of on-demand audio. | |||||||||
May 2006 | Real choice: Quality, the internet, and the need for public service broadcasters. | |||||||||
June 2006 | Advertisers, demographics and maybe damaging the future. | |||||||||
July 2006 | The "cost" of broadcast spectrum - will spectrum pricing hit broadcasters? | |||||||||
August 2006 | Technology now and what we expected in 2000. | |||||||||
September 2006 | What would help is intelligent talk - but would it "rate" with advertisers? | |||||||||
October 2006 | Who is responsible for the state of radio? | |||||||||
November 2006 | Broad or narrow? We argue against the current narrow formats of much radio. | |||||||||
December 2006 | As the switch-off approaches for analogue TV we consider regulatory approaches for a digital age. | |||||||||
January 2007 | Considers whether there is a need for specific regulation of broadcasters and concludes that there are virtually no areas requiring broadcaster-specific laws. | |||||||||
February 2007 | Sirius-XM: A merger too far? The evidence so far suggests it should be accepted only if the senior executives have been misleading shareholders. | |||||||||
March 2007 | Considers copyright in view of increased feed for Internet broadcasters and the possibility of their introduction for terrestrial radio in the US and suggests we would benefit from different classes of copyright. | |||||||||
April 2007 | Imus's demise - what can be learned from it? | |||||||||
May 2007 | Playing to strengths! We suggest radio has to accept the world as it now is and play to its strengths rather than waste effort in attempts to stifle competition. | |||||||||
June 2007 | Boycotts and pork or a business approach. We suggest that a single royalty rate for digital - or analogue - audio is nonsense and that the system should be changed to provide tiered charges and a choice of collection agencies. | |||||||||
July 2007 | Looks at regulation in other countries in the light of attacks on the idea of reintroducing the Fairness Doctrine in the US and concludes that other factors are much more important in affecting effective freedom of speech. | |||||||||
August 2007 | Could technological development kill off broadcast media as we know them? Recent surveys on demographic and listening changes make us gloomier than 18 months ago. | |||||||||
September 2007 | Considers whether we would develop radio today if it did not already exist and concludes it still remains a very valuable medium for information. | |||||||||
October 2007 | Asks why there should be a problem with radio ratings using electronic metering and wonders whether it is just a matter of resources - and if broadcasters and advertisers are wise to rely on one ratings supplier. | |||||||||
November 2007 | As Don Imus prepares to return to air, we look at issues of getting booted, coming back, and staying on air! | |||||||||
December 2007 | Ends the year with a the main issues for radio in 2007 - ownership, technological change, and regulation. | |||||||||
January 2008 | Digital - What's the point? We consider digital and conclude that the best approach would be for the US to provide DAB/DRM spectrum and let the market decide whether HD dies or -preferably in our view - ends up a licence-free system thus providing incentives for development of a true worldwide analogue/digital receiver and expanding consumer choice everywhere. | |||||||||
February 2008 | Performance Royalties - Principle, Practice and Fairness - considers the call for performance royalties to apply to US terrestrial radio. In principle it must, in practice nobody gains from putting radio out of business and in fairness the currently proposed charges are too high. | |||||||||
March 2008 | "The satellite radio Merger - What Now?" considers what conditions the FCC might impose to approve. | |||||||||
RNW note: Some site technical problem in April 2008 meant we lost April and May 2008 comments and subsequent pressures meant we were unable to reconstitute them: We are now hoping to keep up to date with future comments and retrace our files to post the comments from April to Sept 2008 inclusive | ||||||||||
October 2008 | "The satellite radio Merger - What Now?" considers what conditions the FCC might impose to approve. | |||||||||
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