Radio Stations
The links we list below are to various magazine and text sources which we think may be of interest to you as opposed to agreeing with comments therein or necessarily supporting the organisation concerned. If you come across other sites you think are worth visiting please let us know. Equally if we send you to a site you find of interest let them know about us.Regulators Links Australia
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Canada: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) Ireland: Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (*BAI) (In Oct 2009 took over, albeit with a wider remit, from the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland BCI - formerly the Independent Radio and Television Commission - IRTC). United Kingdom: Ofcom (Office of Communications - site includes legacy material from Radio Authority whose duties it took over in December 2003). United States: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Magazine Links BROADCASTING AND CABLE Online version of U.S. magazine. Well worth a look for U.S. News CURRENT.ORG This is the site of Public Broadcasting in the USA. It has news and comment about issues affecting public broadcasting in the USA and some good links for those of you interested in the organisations stations. FMQB Online version of Friday Morning Quarterback with reasonable selection of industry news. |
Magazine Links continued MEDIA UK A useful site for information about UK radio stations with some industry news THE RADIO MAGAZINE UK UK magazine for news about the industry -now owned by Tindle Newspapers and requires subscription for all but headlines Radio Daily News (lot of useful monitoring of news concerning radio) RadioInk Another worthy US online publication concerning radio. Radio-Internet Magazine US daily online publication concerning radio on the Internet. Radio and Records - This was closed by The Nielsen Company in June 2009 with some content now appearing in Billboard. Radio Today, UK Good site for UK radio news. WAVEGUIDE CO UK TV oriented but also has UK radio news. Newspaper Links Australia Canada
Toronto Globe and Mail Well organised site with reasonably good search engine. Limited archive availability. Toronto Star Another reasonable site with reasonably good search engine. India
Times of India Well organised site with reasonably good search engine. Archives quite good and now date sorted. after a re-design Ireland
United Kingdom UK Independent and Sunday Independent. The newspapers online with a recently improved search engine but one which often produces strange results (Much content is now premium and requires payment). UK Telegraph (Electronic version Sunday and Daily Telegraph) Another excellent site with a good search engine.Keeps its full archiveback to 1994 online but requires registration (free). UK Times and Sunday Times The newspapers online. The sites went behind a paywall on July 2, 2010, so we have removed the link. We would also note that we have had more problems with this site"locking up" because of a script problem that we tend to keep Task Manager open whenever looking at it just to see if it is causing problems. USA Baltimore Sun - Fairly strong site for news in the area. Requires registration for older items. Boston Globe : Reasonable site and quite good search engine. Limited free archive availability. Boston Herald Nice clean look and useful straightforward search engine. Chicago Sun-Times : Another reasonable site and search engine. Chicago Tribune : Reasonable site and search engine. Limited free archive availability. Requires registration (free) Christian Science Monitor Reasonable site and search engine with occasional thoughtful articles. Los Angeles Times: Well organised site with reasonably good search engine. Limited free archive availability. New York Times Strong site but limited free archive availability. Requires you to sign-up (free) for access. San Francisco ( Chronicle) - link is to SFGate search engine. Quite a good site producing date ordered list. San Francisco Examiner - another quite good site Washington Post Another good site but limited free archive availability.