Radio Stations
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
A: ABA - Australian Broadcasting Authority (See ACMA -its successor -after July 1, 2005) ; ABC - American Broadcasting Company (owned by Disney- see Disney): ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Aberdeen Radio Ranch (South Dakota, US): Aboriginal Voices Radio Network (Canada); Access 1 Communications- US; Absolute Radio International Limited - UK radio group; Grupo Acir Communications (Mexican radio group); Ackerley Group (US)--See Clear Channel from June 2002; Adalante Media Group - re-launched Bustos Media following takeover by creditors; AFN - American Forces Network; AFTRA (American Federation of Radio and TV Artists); Air America Radio - US progressive talk radio network -declared bankruptcy Jan 2009 - Bought by Green Family Media Mar 2007 - before then see Piqant (formerly Progress Media (its parent); All India Radio (AIR -officially known as Akashvani) : American Family Radio (US Christian proselytising network); AMFM Inc - (After this entry look for Clear Channel which took it over Aug 2000); American Public Media Group - see MPR - US public broadcasting organization, parent of American Public Media and Minnesota Public Radio (MPR); The American Society Of Composers, Authors And Publishers (ASCAP) - US body that (Along with BMI - Broadcast Music Inc.) collects royalties for composers of mucical work; Anderson Broadcasting (North Dakota, US, radio group); AOL& AOL Radio Network - US; APN News & Media - Australian media group (Owns Australian Radio Network (with Clear Channel) and The Radio Network, New Zealand: It is 40% owned by Independent News and Media); Arbitron - US media research and radio ratings organisation; Archway Broadcasting Group LLC. , US; AROI - The Association of Radio Operators in India; Arqiva Limited - UK headquartered broadcast transmission operator (owned by Macquarie Bank-led consortium); Arso Radio (Puerto Rico); Astral Media Inc -Canada (announced Mar 2012 deal to be taken over by BCE Inc.) ; Atlantic 252 (UK Station-became TEAMTalk 252 Dec 2001--see Teamtalk after Nov 2001); Austereo (Australian commercial radio group)- - taken over by Southern Cross Media, Feb 2011 & rebranded Southern Cross Austereo July 2011 (See Southern Cross Austereo from Aug 2011); Australian Communications Agency (Australian spectrum regulator-subsumed into Australian Communications and Media Authority- See ACMA from July 2005); Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) - Australian regulator (took over duties of ABA and ACA in July 2005); Australian Radio Network (ARN)- Australian Radio group) - Also see APN News & Media, which owns it; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
B: Backyard Broadcasting(US); Heinrich Bauer Verlag KG - German media group with radio holdings in Poland and UK; BBC -British Broadcasting Corporation; BCI - see Broadcasting Commission of Ireland; BBM Canada (formerly the Bureau of Broadcast Measurement) - Canadian ratings organization; Beasley Broadcast Group (US); Beat 102 FM - Irish regional station; BCE Inc - Canadian media and telecommunications conglomerate -radio holdings includestations of former CHUM (2006-7) - in process of acquiring Astral Media 2012; Bell Globemedia Inc. (BGM) - Canadian media group later re-named CTVglobemedia Inc. (See CTVglobemedia from Jun 2007); Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. - Indian Media Group that owns Times of India, Radio Mirchi stations through Entertainment Network India Ltd and UK Virgin Radio-re-branded as Absolute Radio in Sep 2008; BFBS - British Forces Broadcasting Service; BIA /BIAFinancial Network, Inc/BIA-Kelsey - US banking and investment company, specializing in broadcasting and telecommunications; Big City Radio (US -sold all its stations- listing ended December 2003); Bloomberg (US Financial Information Company including radio business news); Blue Chip Broadcasting (Cincinnati based African-American radio group- See Radio One Inc after February 2001 take over); Bollywood Broadcasting (Indian radio group owned by the Jatiyas): Bonneville International (US Radio group); Border Media Partners (Texas radio group -taken over by its lenders July 2009); Bridge Ratings - US media research company- as of Oct 2007 moved to doing "private label" research for one company; (US Streaming audio company - -went bust - see after February 10, 2001); Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) - Irish regulator that took over duties of Broadcasting Commission of Ireland and Broadcasting Complaints Commission on October 1, 2009; Broadcasting Commission of Ireland - (BCI ) Irish regulator (formerly the Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC) - to in turn succeeded by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland on Oct 1, 2009- See BAI after then) : Broadcasting Complaints Commission of Ireland (BCCI) - Irish broadcasting watchdog- became part of Broadcasting Authority of Ireland on Oct 1, 2009- See BAI after then; Broadcasting Standards Commission (UK Broadcast watchdog-merged into Dec 2003: See Ofcom from Dec 30, 2003); Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) - US organisation representing composers, songwriters and music publishers; Buckley Broadcasting (US); Bustos Media Holdings (US)- taken over by its lenders, September 2010- See Adalante Media after then; Burt Broadcasting (US); |
C: Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) - Canadian commercial broadcasters' trade body'; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - see CBC: Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission - see CRTC below; Canadian Satellite Radio Inc (CSR) - Canadian joint venture with XM to provide satellite radio in Canada (See XM,Canada, after Nov 2005 launch); CanWest Global Communications (Canada); Capital Interactive - Internet arm of Capital Radio, UK ( folded into main company- See Capital Radio after Aug 2001); Capital Kids Radio (UK); Capital Radio (UK- its owns Capital FM, XFm, Beat 106 & Century stations as well as digital channels- merged with GWR May 2005 - See GCap after then); Catholic Radio Network (US -selling off its stations): CBC/Radio-Canada - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; CBS - US Corporation spun-out of Viacom that owns CBS Radio (formerly Infinity) and TV (CBS Radio - See Infinity Broadcasting until Nov 2000 then Viacom after Nov 2000 until Jan 2006); CBSC -Canadian Broadcast Standards Council; Celador - UK media group including radio holdings; Centennial Broadcasting, US; Century Radio (Ireland's first national commercial radio station, went bankrupt); Channel 4 - UK TV company, dropped plans to move into radio Oct 2008; Cherry Creek Radio (US); Choice FM - Leading London, England, black radio station-See Capital Radio after Nov 2003; Chrysalis Group (UK music, publishing and radio company -ran Heart and Galaxy networks and LBC talk stations)- sold radio division July 2007- See Global Radio from Aug 1, 2007: CHUM - (Canadian broadcasting network- taken over by Bell GlobeMedia, Sept 2006. Bell then became CTVglobemedia Inc in 2007) - see CTV; Citadel Broadcasting Corporation (Citadel Communications) (US)- Former US broadcaster taken over by Cumulus Sep 2011 - became-part of Forstman Little June 28, 2001and then public again from Aug 2003 -then merged with with ABC Radio ( 2006), went into Chapter 11 bankruptsy (2009) and came out of bankruptcy (Jun 2010) --See Forstmann Little from July 2001 to Aug 2003 & Cumulus after Sep 16 2011; Classic FM (UK)- owned by GWR -- see GWR after July 2002; Clear Channel (US & International) - became CC Media Holdings when private equity buyout was completed at end of July 2008; CN Group - UK Group owning local stations; Cogeco Diffusion/Radio-Television Inc - Montreal-based broadcaster; Coleman Insights - US media research company; Colorado Public Radio network (US); Command Audio (US digital on demand audio company); Commercial Radio Australia - Australian radio industry body; Commercial Radio Companies Association - (CRCA - UK)- See Radio Centre after Jun 2006; Compass FM (UK); Commission for Communications Regulations (ComReg) - Irelands telecommunications and postal services regulator; Communicorp Group Ltd - Dublin-based Irish and European radio group; Concord Media Group (US); Consumer Coalition for Competition in Satellite Radio - C3SR - US group opposing satellite merger (NAB front organization?); Convergent Broadcasting - US; Coollink Broadcast Network- US Internet advert insertion company: Corus Entertainment (Canadian broadcast group); Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) - US nonprofit corporation created by Congress to aid development of public broadcasting; Country Radio Broadcasters (US); County Media (Ireland-operates FM's in Cork : see Ulster TV) : Cox Media Group /Cox Enterprises (Including Cox Radio that in Jan 2009 became part of Cox Media Group, Inc - went private in May 2009); CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission): James Crystal Enterprises (US): Crystal Media Networks - US media and syndication company; CSA (Conseil Supérieur de L'audiovisuel) - French media regulator; CTVglobemedia Inc. - CTVgm (formerley Bell Globemedia) - Canadian media group -bought CHUM Jun 22, 2007- being taken over by Bell, Canada, Sept 2010 -See BCE Inc after then; Cumulus Media/(CumulusMedia Partners LLC) (US group formed by Cumulus Media and equity partners that took over Susquehanna) - Cumulus Media took over CMP completely in Auust 2011; |
D: Delta Radio (Dutch group to operate offshore long-wave station); Deutsche Welle - German public broadcaster; Dial Global - US independent radio network (Owned by Triton Media - see Triton after June 2008-took over Westwood One Oct 2011; Digital Media Association (DiMA) - US organisation for webcasters etc; DMG Radio group (radio interests worldwide of DMGT, owners of UK Daily Mail: In Nov 2009 DMG sold 50% of DMG Radio Australia to Illyria, the private company owned by Rupert Murdoch's eldest son Lachlan. It had earlier held a controlling interests in GWR/ then 29.9% of G-CAP Media after the Capital Radio-GWR merger in the UK before the latter was taken over in 2008 by Global Radio): Digital One - UK national commercial multiplex operator (owned by Arqiva - formerly with Global Radio-Arqiva agreed Apr 2009 to buy out Global's share); Digital Radio Development Bureau (DRDB) -UK group of BBC and commercial broadcasters that promotes digital radio (Replaced in 2010- See Digital Radio UK/Get Digital Radio from Jan 2010) ; Digital Radio Group Ltd (UK consortium bidding for digital radio licences); Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM ) (Geneva-based Digital Radio Consortium): Digital Radio UK/GetDigital Radio - UK body to represent radio industry over switch to digital radio; Digital Radio Working Group - Body set up by UK government to examine digital radio for UK; Walt Disney Co - Owns ABC radio and TV, US (As of Jan 2006 ABC Radio is in the process of merging with Citadel): Radio Dijla- Baghdad talk radio station: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
E: Eastlan Ratings- US radio ratings company: Eastern Counties Radio Ltd (UK): Edison Media Research (US Market research company); Educational Media Foundation (US); Emap - UK media group that included radio operations-these were sold Dec 2007 to Bauer - see Bauer after Jan 2008); Emmis Communications (US); Entertainment Network (India) Limited (ENIL) - Times of India company that owns Radio Mirchi FM stations and in turn is owned by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.- see Bennet, Coleman & Co. Ltd after July 2008 after another subsidiary took over Virgin Radio.; Entercom (US); Entravision (US Spanish language network): Eurisko - Italian audio meter maker; European Broadcasting Union (EBU- co-operative organisation of European broadcasters); Expanse Communications Inc(US); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
F: Fairfax Media - Australian media group whose holdings include Sydney 2UE; Federation of Australian Radio Broadcasters Limited (FARB): Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - US airwaves regulator; Feed the Monster (US streaming organisation,- filed for bankrupty Feb 2001): Fisher Communications (US- own stations in Pacific north west): Forever Broadcasting (UK Radio Group-bought by Wireless Group, Jan 2004 - See Wireless Group after then); Forever Broadcasting (US Radio Group); Forstmann Little (US -took over Citadel Radio, June 2001--see Citadel June 30, 2001 to July 31, 2003); Frontier Silicon - UK Headquartered digital multimedia products company; Future of Music Coalition(FMC) -US organization that supports independent recording artists. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
G: GAP/GAPWest Broadcasting - US radio company controlled by funds operated by Oaktree Capital Management (Taken over by Townsquare Media, Aug 2010 - - See Townsquare after then;); Gaylord Entertainment -Nashville owners of Grand Ole Opry and WSM-AM country stations; GCap Media - UK Group formed from merger of Capital Radio and GWR (Taken over June 2008 by Global Radio. See Global from July 2008); Genex Communications Inc. - Canada- owns CHOI-FM, Quebec; GfK - German headquartered market research company- produced now defunct British National Broadcast Media Survey; GlobalMedia (US Audio streamer- going bust); Global Radio - Luxembourg-based developer of European satellite radio service; Global Radio - Jersey with UK subsidiary - investment group that bought Chrysalis Radio in 2007 and GCap Media in 2008; Google - Internet search engine company, which is also in radio advertising; Goom Radio - online radio service launched in France and Germany in 2008 and in US in March 2009; Grand Slam radio (Vancouver,Canada); Greater Media - Boston-headquartered US, radio group; Grupo Radio Centro - Mexican radio group; Guardian Media Group -GMG - -(UK media group which publishes Guardian newspaper and whose holdings also include Real and Smooth Radio stations); GWR Group (UK Radio group- holdings include national classical music station Classic FM-merged with Capital Radio, May 2005 - See GCAP after then); Golden West Broadcasting - Canada: |
H: Haliburton Broadcasting Group Inc (Canada); Harris Corporation - US communications equipment company; HD (Digital) Radio Alliance - US consortium to promote HD Digital Radio; Hind Broadcasting (Indian radio group owned by the Jatiyas): Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation (HBC) (US)- See Univision after Oct 2003: Hi-Wire - US Internet advert insertion company: Horizon Broadcasting (US); Hubbard Broadcasting - Minneapolis-St Paul based broadcaster- bought 17 Bonneville stations in 2011; |
I: iBiquity Digital Corporation (US Digital Audio Broadcasting technology company): Iceberg Media (Canadian Internet streaming company-now owned by Standard Radio); Independent Broadcasters of Ireland (IBI) - Irish commercial radio body; Infinity Broadcasting Corp. (US-subsidiary of Viacom, owners of CBS-- see Viacom after Nov 2000); Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC) (Ireland) -became the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland Sept 2001 - See BCI after this; Inner City Broadcasting (New York based African-American radio group); Interep - former US independent sales and marketing company specializing in radio- in Chapter 7 liquidation as of Oct 2008, effectively closed Dec 2008; Isle of Man International Broadcasting (IMIB); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
J: Jacobs Media - US radio consulting firm specializing in rock formats; Jazz FM (UK)- now licensed by Guardian Media Group; Jefferson-Pilot Communications - broadcasting interests of Jefferson-Pilot (US )-taken over by Lincoln Financial (See Lincoln after Oct 2005); Jones Media/Jones Radio Networks (US) - sold June 2008 to Triton Media (See Triton after then); Journal Communications - Milwaukee-headquartered US media group; |
K: Katz Media (Clear Channel-owned US Rep firm- includes Katz Rdio Group); KIRN-AM, KRSI, KSMI (Farsi -Persian language stations in California; Last two are closed circuit); Kiss FM (UK): K-Love - US Christian network: KQED - San Francisco public broadcaster- merged with KTEH to form Northern Califonia Public Broadcasting in May 2006 (See NCPB from then); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
L: Langer Broadcasting (Boston, US): Laser Broadcasting - former UK Radio company (Went into liquidation Oct 2008); Lasting Value Broadcasting Group (US); Launch Radio Networks(US) -see Yahoo; ; LBI Media - Parent of Liberman Broadcasting (US radio group specialising in Spanish language stations); Liberty Media - US Media Conglomerate ( in Feb 2009 rescued Sirius XM from bankruptcy through loan, for which it took 40% stake in the satellite radio operator. In Nov 2009 it bought the debts of international satellite radio company WorldSpace); Lincoln Financial Media-US media group (including former Jefferson Pilot communications)The Local Radio Company - UK Radio group (in May 2009 UKRD said it had control of more than 50% of the shares)- See UKRD from Oct 2009; London Digital Radio Ltd. (Group bidding for 3rd London digital multiplex licence); London News Radio (LNR - bought by Chrysalis, Sept 2002. See Chrysalis after Oct 1, 2002); London Live -BBC's London radio station: Lovett Communications (US); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
M: Macquarie Bank/Macquarie Regional Radio/Macquarie Media Group/Macquarie Southern Cross Media/Southern Cross Media Group- Australian Bank- building regional radio group through Regional Media Pty Ltd (Unrelated to Maquarie Radio Network) and its subsidiaries: Macquarie Radio Network (Australian radio network -owns Sydney 2GB ); Mapleton Communications (US); Marathon Communications (US Radio Group); Marcher Radio Group (UK - now owned by UK GWR Group); Martz Communications Group Inc. (San Francisco based group -runs New York stations/has closed its streaming operations 2001): Maryland Public Radio Inc- Baltimore group purchasing WJHU-FM ( see WJHU); MeasureCast Inc (US Streaming audio ratings organisation- taken over by Arbitron November 2002); Media Access Project - US public interest law firm; Media Audit - US research company, teamed with IPSOS in developing cell-phone based audience measurement system; Media Development Authority - Singapore media regulator; Media Rating Council (MRC) - US broadcaster-funded organization that accredits audience ratings services; MediaWorks - New Zealand - it owns RadioWorks, one of the country;'s main radio station operators and is wholly owned by Ironbridge Capital; Mega Communications (US Spanish language radio group); Merlin Media - US group founded June 2011, that is initially taking control of three Emmis stations; Radio MidDay (Indian Radio Group); Millennium Radio Group (New Jersey Group taken over by Townsquare Media in Aug 2011 - See Townsquare after then): Minnesota Public Radio (MPR): Monarch Broadcasting Limited (Canada): Mondadori - Italian publishing company controlled by PM Silvio Berlusconi's Fininvest holding company - began to move into radio 2004; Moscow Echo -Independent Russian radio station; Museum of Broadcast Communications, Chicago: Museum of Television & Radio (New York and Los Angeles); Multicultural Radio Broadcasting (US) ; Music Broadcasting (Indian Radio Group); MusicFirst Coalition - US body lobbying for performance royalties; Muxco -UK consortium bidding for local DAB Digital Radio multiplex licences across the country - Muxco's parent is Folder Media; MXR Consortium - UK Group bidding for digital radio licences (original members were Capital Radio, Chrysalis Radio, Guardian Media Group, Ford Motor Co and Jazz FM- now owned by Guardian Media Group); |
N: NAB - (National Association of Broadcasters - US Commercial Broadcasters' Association): NABOB - National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, US); Nash Communications (Owners of WILD-AM, Boston, US): Nassau Broadcasting (US)- bankrupt and trying to sell stations; Nasty 1570 Sports (Baltimore, US); National Grid Wireless (NGW) - UK broadcast transmission company- former Crown Castle - ( sold by National Grid to Arqiva); NPR/ National Public Radio ( US): National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) - US broadcasters' group; NBG Radio Network (US independent radioproducer and syndicator); Newcap Inc (Canadian broadcaster): New Media Broadcasting (Radio subsidiary of Indian media Group Zee): NewRadio Group - US; Newsweb Corporation (Chicago-based group); Newstalk 106 - Irish quasi-national news and talk station - until Sept 2006 a Dublin news and talk station; New York Public Radio - operator of public radio stations WNYC-FM and classical WQXR-FM (Former NY Times classical station bought in 2009); New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority - New Zealand broadcasting watchdog; NextMedia Group (Denver-based US radio group): The Nielsen Company (& A.C.Nielsen & Nielsen media research) - International ratings and research company, taken over VNU of Holland, which later renamed itself The Nielsen Company: Nimbus (Indian Radio group): NJR (European radio group with four networks in France): Nippon Broadcasting System (NBS) - Japanese radio group -linked with Fuji TV and FujiSankei; Northern California Public Broadcasting (NCPB) - Bay Area broadcaster formed May 2006 from merger between KQED and KTEH) North West Digital Radio Ltd - NWDR -(UK Consortium bidding for digital radio licences-- see also WMDR): Now Digital, UK - see GWR above; Nova FM ( DMG station in Sydney, Australia)- see DMG Radio after Jan 2002: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
O: Observer Group (Indian Radio group): ODTR (Office of the Director of Telecommunications), Ireland: (Swiss) OFCOM - Swiss Federal Office of Communication; Ofcom - UK regulator for media- took over from predecessors December 29, 2003; One-on-One Sports Inc (Chicago-based US radio sports network -being folded into The Sporting News Network); OneWord Radio - UK digital radio speech and drama channel: Orion Media - UK Midlands radio group that bought stations from Global Radio in 2009. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
P: Pacifica Radio Network/Corporation (US radio group founded in 1946 by conscientious objectors): Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA); Paragon Media Strategies - Denver Based research company; Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Ltd.- Canadian broadcast group; Piquant LLC - former owner of Air America Radio - took over previous owner Progress Media June 2004- bought by Green Family Media Mar 2007 - See Air America Radio after then; Planet Rock - UK classic rock digital station; Platte Broadcasting (US); Prairie States Broadcasting, Inc (US): Prasar Bharati - (the Broadcasting Corporation of India)- Indian body overseeing public broadcasters; Premiere Radio Networks (US radio syndication subsidiary of Clear Channel); Progress Media - (US) - parent of "progressive" talk network Air America- taken over June 2004 by Piquant LLC (See Piquant after then) : Prometheus Radio Project - US non-profit micro radio support organization; Grupo Prisa - Spanish media group; Public Radio International - US public radio syndicator: Pure - UK digital radio receiver manufacturer, part of Imagination Technologies; (UK Chrysalis Group's Internet "radio station"-founded Nov 2000, folded into Rivals.Net Feb 2001) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q: Qantum Communications (US); Quebecor Media, Canada (See TVA); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
R: Radio Academy (UK - non-profit body to promote medium of radio); Radio Advertising Bureau, UK - See Radio Centre after May 2006 : Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB), US; Radio Ad Effectiveness Lab (RAEL) - US; Radio America (US); Radio Australia (International arm of Australian Broadcasting Corporation): DMG Radio Australia (see DMG): Radio Authority (UK-duties taken over by new Ofcom regulator Dec 29, 2003): Radio Caroline - UK station and first UK offshore pirate station; RadioCentre - UK industry body that incorporates the Commercial Radio Companies Association, the Radio Advertising Bureau, the Radio Advertising Clearance Centre, network programme company Hit40UK and the Joint Industry Committee for Radio IT; RadioCommunications Agency (UK government department which handles spectrum auctions- absorbed into Ofcom Dec 2003: See Ofcom); Radio First (UK media company); Radio Free Afghanistan - possible US government station to be run by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (US government overseas radio organisation): Radio and Internet Newsletter (RAIN) - US online newsletter; Radio Investments Ltd (UK group)- bought by The Local Radio Company, May 2004 - See TLRC after then: Radio Maria (Italian-based religious broadcasting group); Radio Music License Committee - body that represents most US radio stations concerning copyright payments; Radio New Zealand - New Zealand state radio; Radio Nord (Canada); Radio One Inc. (US): Radio Sawa - Arabic language pop music and news station funded by the US government; RadioScape - London-based Digital Audio Broadcasting development company: Radio Spirits - largest US distributor of old-time radio shows: Radio Television Digital News Association - former Radio-Television News Directors' Association - see RTNDA; Radio Unica (US Hispanic network- filed for bankruptcy 2003, stations sold to Multicultural Broadcasting, and ended Unica broadcasts February 2004); RAJAR - UK Radio Joint Audience Research radio ratings organisation; Real Networks (US Streaming technology company); Real Radio (Wales, UK): Reciva - Cambridge (UK)-based Internet radio technology group; Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA - US record industry body); Red Dragon FM - (Cardiff, Wales, station); Red Hot FM (Winner of new Cork FM licence in Ireland, Feb 2001); Red Zebra Broadcasting - US company set up by Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder; Regent Communications (US)- became Townsquare Media on May 3, 2010- See Townsquare after then; Reliance Broadcast Network Limited -RBNL (part of the Reliance ADA Group(Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group) and operator of the BIG FM networkRG Capital Radio - Australian radio group (Being taken over by Macquaire Bank - see Macquairie from Sept 2004); Rogers Broadcasting/Communications/Media//Radio (Canadian Broadcast group); Ronning Lipset Radio - US advertising firm specialising in onine radio; RTÉ- Raidió Teilifís Éireann (Radio Television Éirann - Irish State Broadcaster); RTNDA - (US & Canada -Radio Television Digital News Association - name changed in 2010 from the Radio-Television News Directors' Association); Rural Press Limited -Australian publishing and radio group; |
S: Saga (UK -specialised in broadcasts for over-50's) - bought by Guardian Media Group Dec 2006- See GMG after this entry; Saga Communications (US media group): Salem Communications (US); *(Former) Scottish Media Group - see SMG; Sawa - See Radio Sawa; SBS Broadcasting Sarl. -Former SBS Broadcasting S.A. -European media company (radio stations are mainly in Finland, Norway and Sweden)- taken over by German Media Group ProSieben in June 2007; SEN - (Sports Entertainment Network) - Australian sports network -into voluntary liquidation May 2005; Scottish Radio Holdings - SRH - (holdings include Radio Clyde and Radio Forth )- agreed in 2005 to being taken over by Emap (see Emap after Aug 2005) ; Radio Seaway (US); Simmons Media - US Radio Group: Sinclair Broadcast Group (US Broadcast group); Sirius (Satellite Radio) (US) - merged with XM to become Sirius XM Radio Jul 29, 2008- See Sirius XM Radio from Aug 1, 2008; Sirius (Canada) - Canadian satellite radio licensee (See Sirius before Oct 2005) - announced Nov 2010 that it is to merge with XM in Canada; Sirius XM Radio - company formed by merger of Sirius and XM Satellite Radio Jul 2008; Sky News Radio - Radio operations of Sky News (UK); Sloane Broadcasting (US Radio group); SMG - (former Scottish Media Group UK and former owner of Virgin Radio in the UK); Solas AM (Irish group awarded Dublin religious licence); SoundExchange - US body charged with collecting webcasting royalty fees; South African Broadcasting Complaints Commission (SABCC) - South African Broadcasting watchdog; Southern California Broadcasters Association (SCBA); Southern Cross Broadcasting (Australia) -bought by Macquarie in 2007-See Macquarie from Nov 2007 on then Southern Cross Austereo following Feb 2011 takeover of Austereo and re-branding (Jul 2011); Southern Cross Austereo -Re-branded company combining Southern Cross and Austereo radio, TV, and online assets; Spanish Broadcasting System (SBS ) (US); The Sporting News Radio Network (US- formerly One-on-One Sports): Standard Broadcasting Corporation Ltd -Canada (Taken over by Astral. See Astral after Nov 2007): Star FM (Dublin special interest music licence holder); Starboard Broadcasting - US Catholic-oriented talk format radio broadcaster - runs Relevant Radio; Statistics Canada - Canada's national statistical agency; StreamAudio (US radio streaming organisation); Sunburst Media (Dallas,US); Sunrise Radio ( UK Asian radio broadcaster); -(US streaming and advert technology company); Susquehanna Radio (US- See Cumulus from Jan, 2006); Sydney 2UE (Top rated Sydney station: also at centre of "cash for comment" affair)- see Southern Cross Broadcasting from May 2002: Switchdigital - UK Digital radio consortium which holds second London digital licence: SW Radio Africa (SWRA)- UK based station broadcasting news to Zimbabwe on short wave: |
T: Talk America Radio Networks (US); TalkSport (UK-Formerly owned by The Wireless Group--see Wireless Group after April 2002 then UTV, which took over the Wireless Group); Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) - & TNS Media Intelligence- worldwide market research group; TEAMtalk Media (UK-owns TEAMtalk 252 sports station -taken over by UK Betting online company, June 2002: Station went off air July 2002); Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI ) - Indian regulator; Télémédia (Canadian Broadcast Group- sold last of its radio stations June 2001); Televisa (Mexican broadcast group); The Radio Network -New Zealand; The Sporting News Network (US radio sports network); Tindle Radio - UK Radio group; Townsquare Media Inc (former Regent Communications - also acquired GAP Broadcasting Aug 2010: Majority shareholder is Oaktree Capital); Triad Broadcasting -US radio group; Tribune Co - US media company; Triton Media (US - owner of Dial Global - bought Jones Media in June 2008 & took control of Westwood One in Dec 2011); Trumpet Broadcasting Inc (US); TVA Group (Canada -owned by Quebecor Media); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
U: UBC Media (UK Media group); Unica (see Radio Unica ; UK Radio Authority - see Radio Authority above; UKRD - Cornwall-based UK radio group (In May 2009 announced it had majority stake in The Local Radio Company); (US portal); Unica - See Radio Unica ; United Christian Broadcasters Ltd (UK-based satellite religious broadcaster-added national digital multiplex Dec 2009): Univision - largest US Spanish-language TV company, took over Hispanic Broadcasting in October 2003; Urban Box Office Network (US Portal-now bankrupt); UTV Media PLC (fomer Ulster Television)- (N. Ireland Owns radio stations in Republic of Ireland and in June 2005 took over The Wireless Group); | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
V: Vatican Radio (Broadcasts Papal events round the world); Vertex Broadcasting (Indian Radio group owned by Dabur): Viacom (US media group - owns CBS and Infinity Radio - see CBS for CBS Radio, the former Infinity, from Jan 2006); Village Roadshow (Australia - see Austereo); Virgin Radio - radio interests of Virgin Group (*UK Virgin Radio was now owned by Scottish Media Group, which sold it to a Times of India subsidiary that dropped the name) - for UK Virgin Radio see SMG ); Voice of America (VOA - US government overseas radio organisation):Vox Radio Group (US radio group): | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
W: WAAF-FM (Worcester, Massachusetts, rock station); WAMU-FM --radio station of the American University in Washington, DC: Waitt Radio (US); WBEZ-FM - Chicago public station and NPR affiliate: WBUR-FM (Boston University, US, public radio station);West Midlands Digital Radio Ltd. - WMDR - (UK Consortium bidding for digital radio licence) - see also NWDR); Westwood One (US syndicator - taken over by Triton Media's Dial GLobal, Dec 2011- See Triton after then); WEVD-AM - New York talk station named after socialist Eugene V Debs - to become ESPN outlet September 2001, bought by Disney 2003; WGBH - Boston, US, public broadcaster; WHUR-FM - , Washington, D.C. public radio station owned by Howard University; WHYY - Philadelphia public radio station; Wilks Broadcast Group (US); Wireless Group (UK - owns TalkSport and regional stations in UK - taken over by UTV - See UTV after June 2005): WJHU-FM - John Hopkins University, Baltimore, radio station (became WYPR, Feb 2002); WNYC - New York public radio station- operated by New York Public Radio (See NYPR from 2011); WorldAudio - Australian AM network which owns some 45 licences- went into administration March 2006: WorldDMB- formerly WorldDAB forum - Body representing interests of Eureka 147 Digital Audio Broadcasting worldwide; WorldSpace (US -based satellite radio organisation - formerly WorldSpace - re-branded July 2008) - went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy Oct 2008; WTOP-AM - Washington, DC, all-news station; WYPR -Baltimore, public radio station; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
X: XM Satellite Radio (US) merged with Sirius to become Sirius XM Radio Jul 29, 2008- See Sirius XM Radio from Aug 1, 2008; XM Canada -Canadian service of XM. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y: Yahoo - US Portal - owns Launch Media and its radio syndication service, Launch Radio Networks; | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z: Zee Group (India Media group): Z-Spanish Media - see Entravision | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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