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Personalities Index
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A: Kathleen Q. Abernathy - former Republican US FCC Commissioner (May 2001 to Dec 2005); Lee Abrams - Tribune Co Chief Innovation Officer (From Apr 1, 2008) and former Senior Vice President and Chief Creative Officer and Chief Programming Officer, XM Satellite Radio; Jenny Abramsky - DBE & former BBC Director of Radio and Music (Stepped down Sep 2008); Doug Ackhurst - General manager, The FAN, Toronto; Richard Ackland - former ABC TV Media Watch host; David Acosta - chairman, Pacifica Foundation,US; Alton Adams - executive VP and chief marketing officer, Arbitron; Douglas Adams- writer and broadcaster (deceased); Phillip Adams- host Late Night Live on Australian National Radio; Jonathan S. Adelstein - Democrat US Federal Communications Commissioner (sworn in Dec 2002); Vinod Advani - Indian "Radio Jockey"; Frank Ahrens -Washington Post media writer; Jill Ainscough - COO UK media regulator Ofcom; - appointed July 2007; Raúl Alarcón Jr. - Chairman & CEO, Spanish Broadcasting System (US); Charles Allen - Chairman Global Radio & former acting chairman GCap Media (May 2008 when stood down temporarily as chairman, Global Radio (UK) until OFT cleared its takeover of GCAP) - and former chief executive of ITV; Grae Allan - managing director, Score Digital, UK subsidiary of Scottish Radio Holdings; Paul Allen - former Executive director of the Country Radio Broadcasters(US)- left August 2002; Jeff Allis - Group Program Director, Austereo; Alfredo Alonso - SVP Programming, Clear Channel Radio, and former CEO/president of Mega Communications(US); Richard Alston - Australian Communications Minister; Steven Alward -network manager, ABC, Australia, network radio; Carl Amari - president of Radio Spirits, US distributor of old-time radio shows; Kurt Andersen - host of arts show "Studio 360" on US Public Radio; Michael Anderson - Fairfax Media non-executive director and former CEO (Aug 2003-Dec 2009) and former chief operating officer (from May 2003), Austereo; Janet Anderson - UK Broadcasting Minister ; Marjorie Anderson - former BBC presenter (deceased); Lyn Andrews - former President ABC Radio, US; Amanda Armstrong - Editor, ABC, Australia, network radio; Edwin Howard Armstrong - US radio pioneer responsible for practicable receivers and invention of FM: Dirk Anthony - UK GWR group programme director; John Aravosis - founder StopDrLaura web site; Max Armstrong - farm reporter for WNG-AM, Chicago; Stephen Armstrong - UK Sunday Times columnist;Sue Arnold - UK Observer radio columnist; André Arthur - Independent Canadian MP (elected as January 2006) and former Quebec morning host; Andy Ashton - programme controller, Xfm, London; Izzy Asper - former executive chairman CanWest Global Communications Corporation (died October 2003); Leonard Asper - President and CEO, CanWest Global Communications; Emanuel S. Athanas - former Voice of America broadcaster under nameManos Rhodios ( deceased); Edward G. Atsinger III - CEO, Salem Communications, US (From July 1. Formerly President and CEO); John Aumonier - head UK Radio First;

B: Andrei Babitsky - (Russian) reporter for Radio Liberty; David Bacon - General manager, 2UE, Sydney, Australia; Richard Bacon -British broadcaster - BBC Radio 5 Live & 6 Music (ends show Dec 2010) host and former Capital Radioamd XFM drivetime host - also to host BBC 6 Music Saturday Show from December 2009; Mitch Bainwol - chairman and chief executive, Recording Industries Association of America (RIAA); Danny Baker - BBC London breakfast host , returned in afternoon slot October 2005, and Radio 2 Saturday host (From Sept 2009); Meredith Attwell Baker - - Republican FCC Commissioner (Sworn in July 2009) & former Deputy Administrator at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration )To leave June 2011); George Balcan - veteran Montreal radio host (died May 2004); Cathy Baldazzi -former morning co-host (with husband Fred Latremouille), CKKS, Vancouver; Russell Balding - former Managing Director, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Appointed May 2002-Resigned Jan 2006); Zoë Ball - UK broadcaster - former XFM host and former BBC Radio 1 Breakfast DJ (joined XFM August 2002) stepping down from BBC Radio 2 Saturday Breakfast Show 2012; James Ballis- chief of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) notifications branch; Matthew Bannister- BBC Radio Five Live presenter and former Controller BBC Radio 1; Conrad Voss Bark - veteran BBC parliamentary correspondent(deceased); Peter Barnard - UK Times radio columnist; Steve Barnett - Professor of Communications at the University of Westminster and UK Observer columnist: Thomas Barrett -Wisconsin Democratic Rep ; Oliver Barry - co-founder and former chief executive of Century Radio, Ireland (went bust); Simon Bates - UK broadcaster; Emma B (Emma Battersby née Boughton) - UK Heart FM DJ; Trevor Baylis- Inventor of wind-up clockwork radio; Gene "Bean" Baxter- Bean of Los Angeles KROQ-FM (Kevin and Bean) morning show; George G. Beasley - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Beasley Broadcast Group, US; Ken Beatrice - Washington DC sports host (retiring); Perrin Beatty -former President CBC,Canada; Glenn Beck - Conservative US radio and TV host; Sally De La Bedoyere - former Managing director, UK radio ratings organization RAJAR (Stepped down June 2010); Art Bell - former US Coast-to-Coast AM host -retired twice as weekday host and returned; finally retired at end of 2002, returned for weekends, Sept 2003; standing down again Jul 2007); Tony Bell - managing director, Southern Cross Broadcasting Australia; Mark Belling -- Milwaukee talk-host (suspended Nov 2004 over use of term "wetback"); Roger Bennett - veteran BBC Radio Bristol broadcaster (died July 2005); Vanora Bennett - UK Times radio columnist;Paul Berlin - long time Houston host (Out- station format changed); Rep Howard Berman (California Democrat who has called for anti-trust investigation of Clear Channel); Ralph Bernard - Chief Executive-designate Royal Albert Hall, London (Takes up post May 2009) and former Chief executive (Stepped down Dec 2007) and former executive chairman of G-Cap Media - former executive chairman and former chief executive UK radio group GWR; Chris Berry - vice president of ABC News Radio, US; Madame Françoise Bertrand - former chairperson, Canadian Radio-television and Telecomunications Commission; Mary Berry - outgoing chairman Pacifica Foundation (U.S.); Scyld Berry- UK Sunday Telegraph; Francoise Bertrand - chairwoman of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission; Eric Bessemer - former Brisbane radio host (deceased); Thomas Beusse - former President and CEO, Westwood One (Appointed Jan 2008, ousted Oct 2008); Chris Bickerton - former presenter BBC "Focus on Africa" programme (died May 2002); Tom Birdsey - Massachusetts, DJ (now part of Storm and Birdsey duo-on WWRX-FM, Providence); John (now Lord) Birt - former Director-General British Broadcasting Corporation; John Bitove Jr. -- Canadian entrepreneur, Executive Chairman of Canadian Satellite Radio Holdings Inc- chairman (also former CEO) Canadian Satellite Radio- operator of XM Canada (awarded Canadian satellite radio licence); Arthur Black- long time Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio host (took early retirement June 2002); Tony Blackburn - veteran English DJ who launched BBC Radio 1; Hamish Blake - Hamish of Austereo "Hamish and Andy" drivetime show- from 2011 only doing Friday show; Sir Christopher Bland -former BBC chairman: Tony Blair - British Prime Minister and website broadcaster; Sir Christopher Bland -outgoing - Oct 2001 - chairman, BBC Boards of Governors; Joaquin F. Blaya - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of US Spanish language network, Radio Unica; Melissa Block - co-host for US National Public Radio show "All Things Considered" (Appointed Sept 2002): Joanna Blythman - UK Guardian writer; Helen Boaden - Director of BBC News (from September 2004) and former controller BBC Radio 4- to join BBC Executive Board April 2011; Eric Boehlert - writer; Terry Boers -morning host,WSCR-AM, Chicago; Jim Bohannon - syndicated US talk host; Joe Bohannon - JoBo of Chicago morning duo Eddie and JoBo (Dropped by CBS Nov 2008); Paul Bolt - Former Director UK Broadcasting Standards Commission (Took up post July 2001): Randall Bongarten -President, Emmis International ; Jodee Borgo-PA to John Laws(Sydney 2UE); Pierre Bouvard - Executive Vice President, Cross-Platform Services, Arbitron (Sep 2009) - formerly Executive Vice President, Sales (Feb 2009) and president, Sales and Marketing- leaves company at end of September 2010; Dr Colette Bowe -Chairman, UK Media regulator Ofcom (Took up post March 11, 2009); Gillian Bowler - former member Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Edith Bowman - BBC Radio 1 host; Phil Boyce- program director WABC-AM, New York; Geoff Boycott - UK Cricket commentator; Forrest Boyd - former White House correspondent for Mutual Broadcasting Network (died Jan 2002); James Boyle- - former controller BBC Radio 4; Philip Brady - Melbourne 3AW announcer; Russell Brand - British comedian and broadcaster (resigned from his BBC Radio 2 show Oct 2008 following row over "crude" remarks).; Jonathon Brandmeier - ChicagoWGN-AM morning host (Dec 2011) - dropped by WLUP Dec 2009; Erik Braverman Operations Director, KABC-AM, Los Angeles; John Brennan - former station manager Sydney 2UE; Ed Breslin - Head of National Music, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Gordon J. Bridge - Chairman and CEO of; John Brier - president,COO, and founder of; Walter "Salty" Brine -veteran Rhode Island host (died Nov 2004); Adam Broadbent - former chairman, Emap - stepped down July 2006; Darryl Brohman - Australian rugby league commentator; Peter Bromley - BBC radio horse racing commentator (retired June 2001 after more than 40 years commentating: died June 2003); Bruno Brookes - former BBC disc jockey and founder of store radio group Immedia Broadcasting. Was also major shareholder in Storm Radio (UK digital station- folded in March 2002); Colette Brown - chairman, UK media regulator Ofcom; Colleen B. Brown - President and CEO, Fisher Communications (From Oct, 2005); Jeremy Brown - veteran Toronto radio broadcaster (died Oct 2004); Les Brown - former WMMJ-FM, Washington, morning host; Maggie Brown - UK Guardian writer; Paul Brown - non-executive chairman of the UK RadioCentre (Steps down end of 2008), former Chief Executive of the UK Commercial Radio Companies Association (CRCA), acting chief execudive UK Digital Radio Development Bureau (Jan 2008); Yasmin Alibhai-Brown - newspaper columnist and former BBC Radio 4 presenter; Sen Sam Brownback --Kansas Republican Senator involved in drafting of broadcast indecency proposals; Colin Browne- BBC corporate affairs director; Harry Browne - writer on radio for the Irish Times; Vincent Browne -Irish journalist and radio presenter; Jan van Bruchen - founder CJVB, Vancouver (deceased); David Brudnoy - Boston, US, radio host (died Dec 2004); Jason Bryant - U.K. TalkSport managing director in charge of new development; Graham Bryce - MD- designate Bauer Radio, Scotland (Apr 2009 takes up post June 8), Strategy & Operations Director, Communicorp, and former SVP, SBS Radio Group (June 2006 until it was taken over by ProSiebenSat1 Media), and former managing director, UK GCap-owned Xfm- left Oct 2005; Bob Brynteson - former WLIT, Chicago, morning DJ; Bubba the Love Sponge -(formerly Todd Clem) - Sirius-XM Stern channel host from Jan 2006, &Cox Radio host from Jan 2008 & former Clear Channel host -(fired by Clear Channel 2004 following indecency fine); Dean Buchanan- former DMG group program director, Australia (Quit Aug, 2010); Jack Buck - former voice of the St Louis Cardinals (died June 2002); Rachel Burden - BBC Radio 5 Live Weekend co-host- to move to co-hosting weekday breakfast in May, 2011; Mara Bun - Australian Consumers' Association Spokesman; Stan Bunger - morning co-host successor to Al Hart at KCBS, San Francisco; André Bureau - chairman, Astral Media, Canada; Declan Burke -Columnist on Irish Radio for UK Sunday Times; Ray Burke - former Fianna Fáil (Ireland) minister responsible for communications-found by Flood Tribunal to have taken corrupt payments; Julian Burnside QC - Australian Cash for comments enquiry counsel; William Burrill - Toronto Star radio critic; George Buschmann f ormer -chief executive, Macquarie Network, owner of 2GB, Sydney; Amador S. Bustos - Former Chairman, President and CEO Bustos Media and former President and CEO of Z-Spanish Media, and President Radio Division of Entravision (US)- left July 2010; Byron Butler - BBC radio football (soccer) correspondent 1968-1991 (deceased); Wes Butters - former BBC Radio 1 "Chart Show" host (Contract not renewed February 2005 - Now offering podcast- April 2005)- moving to Galaxy FM, Manchester (Oct 2005); Mark Byford - BBC Deputy Director General & Head of BBC Journalism (briefly Acting D.G. following resignation of Greg Dyke in January 2004 until June 2004) - also former Director, BBC World Service and Global News - post to go SUmmer 2011; Leon Byner - Adelaide 5AA morning host ( Suspended January 2004 for 8-weeks following cash-for-comment allegations); Gay Byrne -Irish Broadcaster;

C: Bob Callahan - President, ABC Broadcast Group, US; Gerry Callahan - morning co-host on Dennis & Callahan Show,, WEEI-AM, Boston; Alexandra Cameron - Senior Vice President/Market Manager for Emmis New York (Appointed Nov 2008); Bill Cameron-former WMAQ,Chicago, Political Editor; Fiona Cameron-corporate director, Australian Radio Network; John Cameron - deputy director of news and current affairs, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Martin Campbell - former UK Radio Authority Director of Programming and Advertising; Nicky Campbell - BBC Radio 5 Live breakfast show co-host; Chris Campling -- UK Times radio columnist; Bill Caralis -Australian media magnate; 'Bishop' Renato Cardoso - new chief executive, Radio Liberty, UK; Bill Carlson - former Los Angeles classic radio announcer (deceased); Mike Carlton - former Sydney 2UE breakfast co-host (with Sandy Aloisi & previously with Peter FitzSimons-who left at end of 2007), formerly drive time host;-stepped down Sept 2009; Adam Carolla - US radio host (Replaced Howard Stern on West Coast CBS stations Jan 2006); Steve Carney - Los Angeles Times reporter on media; Humphrey Carpenter - British author and broadcaster (deceased); Howie Carr - Boston WRKO-AM Afternoon host; Patrick Carrick - acting programme manager, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Classic FM channel; Anna Carrocher - head of broadcasting at BBC Northern Ireland; Nik Carter - Boston WBCN-FM (US) DJ; Stephen Carter - departing chief executive British media regulator, Ofcom (took up post March 1,2003- to stand down Oct 2006); Justin Case - programme director, WUSN-FM, Chicago; Ron Casey - former 2GB, Australia, announcer (fired May 2000); Tom Casey - CFO & EVP Clear Channel (Took up post Jan 1, 2010); John Cassaday - President and CEO, Corus Entertainment, Canada; Pat Cassidy- Chicago host moved from WMAQ-AM to WBBM-AM in 2000 then to WLS-AM in 2008 - fired Feb 2010: Jimmy de Castro- former AMFM Inc CEO and radio group President and later President of America Online Interactive Services (left post Nov 2002); Alun Cathcart - Executive chairman, Emap (From May 2007 after Chief Executive left - formerly non-executive chairman and deputy chairman); Angela Catterns - DMG Vega breakfast host - to leave Nov 2007 - formerly ABC 702, Sydney, breakfast host; Peter Cavanagh - Chief Executive, Radio New Zealand; Peter Cawdron - Chairman, GCap Media- formerly chairman Capital Radio- to become deputy chiarman GCap in November, 2007; Candelario Cayona - Filipino radio commentator (murdered May 2001); Lynn Chadwick -executive director Pacifica Foundation(departing) ; Helen Chamberlain -presenter of BBC radio sports quiz show, Hel's Bells 'n' Buzzers; Jane Chalmers -vice-President, CBC Radio (took office, November 2002); Paul Chantler -Group Programme Director , UK Wireless Group; Barry Chapman - co-founder Iamnetwork/ , Australia; Chris Chapman - Chairman, Australian Communications and Media Authority -took up post in February, 2006; Nigel Chapman - Outgoing Director of BBC World Service (from July 2004 - formerly Deputy Director- to April 2009); Ron Chapman - long-time Dallas-Fort Worth radio host (retired June 2005); Owen Charlebois - departing President Operations, Technology, Research and Development (Dec 2005 -March 22 2009) - formerly President, U.S. Media Services, Arbitron Inc. ; Roz Cheney - former Arts Editor, Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio (made redundant, June 2001); Kenneth Robertson Chiampou - Ken of John and Ken Show on KFI-AM, Los Angeles; Ed Christian - President and CEO, Saga Communications & chairman US Radio Music License Committee; Rob Christie- new morning co-host for CKKS,Vancouver; Jane Christo- former general manager WBUR-FM, Boston( left October 2004); Casper Citron - former New York radio host(deceased); Susan Clampitt --former executive Director Washington DC public station, WAMU-FM (Ousted Oct 2003); Philip Clark - breakfast host, 2GB, Sydney; Nick Clarke - late presenter BBC Radio 4, "World at One" programme (Died of cancer Nov 2006); Richard Clark - Editor of BBC Radio 4 programmes, The World at One, PM, The World this Weekend and Broadcasting House; Angela Clark - Chief Executive Macquarie Radio Network, Australia- to step down Feb 2009; Joseph P Clayton - Former Chairman (until Jul 2008 merger with XM) and CEO, Sirius (Satellite Radio) (US); Lynn Claudy - US National Association of Broadcasters Senior Vice President, Science & Technology; Andrew Clements- UK Guardian writer; Max Clifford -UK Publicicist; Mignon L. Clyburn - Democrat Federal Communications Commissioner (Sworn in Aug 2009); Barbara Cochran - President Radio and Television News Directors' Association (US); Steve Cochran - former WGN,Chicago, midday host- moved to afternoons spring 2007 later to 1300-1500 slot - dropped June 2010 - subsequently joined KTRS-AM, St Loouis * to launch on WIND-AM, Oct 2011; Renan Almendarez Coello -Los Angeles LKAX-FM morning host (former KCSA-FM drivetime and morning host); Evan Cohen - former chairman, Air America Radio (resigned May, 2004); Simon Cole - chief executive, UBC Media, UK; Jonathan (Jono) Coleman - BBC London breakfast-host (leaving station November 2006) and former breakfast co-host on Heart FM, London (left Easter, 2005) ; Ron Coles - former Director of Radio, Saga,, UK; Jerry Del Colliano - former broadcaster and publisher, currently Director of Thornton Executive Programs in Music Industry and Clinical Professor of Music Industry at the University of Southern California and regular blogger: Mark Collier -head of National Talk Radio ABC, Australia (Stepped down December 2005; Bob Collins - former WGN,Chicago, Morning Host (died in plane crash, February 2000): Bob Collins- Chairperson Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (Oct 2009) & former director general, Irish state broadcaster RTÉ (Stepped down Oct 2003); David Colville - vice-chairman and acting chairperson, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); John Conde - former chairman and chief executive 2UE, Sydney (left after Southern Cross takeover 2001); Roe Conn - Chicago WLS-AM afternoon host (Hosting show solo from January 2004 after contract talks with co-host Garry Meier stalled); James Connolly SC - counsel at Flood Tribunal for James Stafford, co-founder of Century Communications, Ireland ; Seán Connolly - former secretary of the Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Alistair Cooke- Journalist and BBC broadcaster(died March 2004); Robert T. Coonrod - President and CEO, Corporation for Public Broadcasting(CPB), US; Ben Cooper - Controller BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra (From Oct 2011; formerly Deputy Controller from Feb 2009 and Acting Controller from July, 2011; Derek Cooper - presenter BBC Radio 4's "The F ood Programme"; Marc Cooper -KPFK-FM Los Angeles broadcaster; Mike Cooper - Toronto breakfast host - leaving EZ-Rock "Mike and Christine (Cardoso) Show" for CHFI; Chet Coppock -WMAQ sports host (moving on); Shane Coppola -former President and CEO, Westwood One, US (stepped down Dec 2005); Michael J. Copps - Former Democrat US Federal Communications Commissioner - (Sworn in May 2001)- Acting Chairman from Jan 22 -- June 29, 2009- resigned Dec 2011; Prof. Farrel Corcoran - former chairman, RTÉ, Ireland; Jeremy Cordeaux--Adelaide, Australia, broadcaster-stepped down Oct 2004; Chris Core - afternoon host, WMAL-AM, Washington, DC; John Corker -Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) General Counsel; Paul Corley - Chief Executive UK Border TV; Michael Costa - managing director, 2KY, Sydney: Fearne Cotton -BBC Radio 1 DJ (Moving from weekends to weekday morning slot, July 2009); Dan Coughlin - interim executive director(Feb 2002) , Pacifica Radio (US); Bill Coull - longtime Alberta CKUA Jazz DJ (retired Dec 2003); Sara Cox - BBC Radio 1 host - moved from breakfast show to drive time January 2004 and to weekend Feb 2005; William Craig-founder; Sean Creamer - EVP/COO (Aug 2011) and former EVP U.S. Media Services (Jun 2010) & former EVP & CFO, Arbitron; James Cridland - BBC Head of Future Media and Technology, Audio & Music (from May 2007- Leaving Sept 2009) Virgin Radio Digital Media Director; Frankie Crocker - veteran New York broadcaster (deceased) ; Katy Cronin -Walkley Award (Australia) winner; Hugh Crosskill - former head of the BBC World Service Caribbean output (shot dead, June 2002); Laurence Crowley - former chaiman, Century Radio, Ireland; Don Cruickshank - former chairman SMG (former Scottish Media Group)- stepped down June 2004; Jon Culshaw - British mimic and radio prankster; Anthony Cumia - Anthony of US Opie and Anthony show - cancelled August 2002 by Infinity: On XM from October 2004 and subsequently on Sirius-XM and also CBS, K-Rock (dropped Mar 2009); Richard E. (Rick) Cummings - president, Emmis radio; Maggie Cunningham - head of BBC Radio Scotland; Lord David Currie - founding chairman British media regulator, Ofcom (stepped down March 2009); Francis Currie - programme director-designate, Heart FM, London (takes up post July 2001); Craig Curtis - vice president for programming at Minnesota Public Radio;
D: Steve Dahl - Veteran Chicago host - taken off air by CBS Dec 2008 but was then under contract to mid 2011; John Dahlsen- chairman, Southern Cross Broadcasting, Australia; Charles Dalfen - - chairman,Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) - took over Jan 1, 2002- to step down Dec 31, 2006; Carson Daly - MTV host, now hosting radio show as well; Mark Damazer - former Controller BBC Radio 4 and BBC 7 and former head of political programmes for BBC news ( took up post at Oxford University Oct 2010); Michael Damsky - president and general manager of Chicago WLS-AM, Chicago; Tim Davie - Director BBC Audio & Music (Took up post Sept 2008- leaving Sep 2010); Anne Davies- Sydney Morning Herald journalist; Gavyn Davies - former BBC chairman (took office October 2001; resigned January 2004); Paul Davies - former Group Operations Director, Capital Radio, UK; Alan Davis - programme director, Team 1200, Ottawa; Erin Davis - CHFI-FM, Toronto, breakfast co-host (Replaced June 2003), then with E-Z Rock, rejoined CHFI Sept 2005; Greg Davis - President, Davis Broadcasting(now owned by Radio 1 Inc); Nate Davis-- former President and CEO, XM Satellite Radio; Don Daynard -former Toronto CHFI Broadcaster; Moz Dee --programme Director talkSPORT (UK); Owen Delaney- Sydney 2UE breakfast host; Patrice Demers- owner/president Genex Communications Inc, Canada; Daryl Denham - former drivetime host and former breakfast host for Virgin, UK- to join Real Radio Yorkshire Mar 2007; Mark Denis - veteran traffic reporter and "image voice" for KFI-AM, Los Angeles (deceased); John Dennis - morning co-host on Dennis & Callahan Show, WEEI-AM, Boston: Victoria Derbyshire - BBC Radio 5 morning host - former breakfast show co-host (to 2003); Katie Derham - UK Classic FM presenter and TV newsreader and former London LBC Sunday host; Dermot Desmond - Irish financier, involved in Century radio; Victor Diaz - owner, XLNC1, Tijuana, Mexico; Clive Dickens - Chief Operating Officer, Absolute Radio (UK); Ian Dickens - chief executive, UK Digital Radio Development Bureau- to step down in autumn 2007; John W. Dickey -Executive Vice President and co-COO (April 2007) of Cumulus Media, US; Lewis W. Dickey Jr. - chairman, president, and Chief Executive Officer, Cumulus Media, US; Hugh Dillon - Sydney Magistrate; Thomas A Dine - president Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL); Jeff Dinetz - President and COO, NextMedia radio(Appointed July 2006); Steven Dinetz - President and CEO, NextMedia (US); John Dingell -Michigan Democrat Rep.; Tim Disa -Chicago radio veteran and founder of; Mike Disney - vice president and general manager, WCKG, Chicago; Lou Dobbs - US radio and TV host - former CNN anchor; Guy Dobson - Director of Southern Cross Austereo Metro Radio - formerly CEO Austereo (Appointed Jan, 2010)/ Director Austereo Metro Radio; Lisa Dollinger - former Chief Communications Officer, Clear Channel Communications (left Oct 2011- following appointment of Bob Pittman as CEO); Max Donnelly -Chairman Macquarie Radio Network, Australia; Paul Donovan- U.K. Sunday Times radio columnist; Joanne Doody - Program director, WXRV-FM, Boston; Sen. Byron Dorgan - North Dakota Democrat, opposed to media consolidation; Mark Dorney - Chief executive Macquarie Media Group, Australia; Randy Dotinga - US writer on radio and radio columnist, North County Times (California); Lesley Douglas - director of programming and business development Universal Music, UK and former Controller BBC Popular Music, Radio 2 & 6-Music (Took over January 2004- resigned Oct 2008 in wake of row over crude remarks aired on Radio 2 Russell Brand Show); Susan J. Douglas - professor of communications studies at the University of Maryland; Alex Dreier - former US radio and T.V. reporter and host (deceased); Anita Drobny - co-founder with former husband Sheldon of and former chairwoman, Air America Radio then of Piquant LLC, which took it over: Subsewuently founded Nova M Network, which filed bor bankruptcy Feb 2009; Matt Drudge - Internet gossip and ABC radio show host (departing): Lord (Alf) Dubs -former chairman UK Broadcasting Standards Commission (now part of Ofcom rgulator); Chuck DuCoty- New Radio Group COO and former vice-president and general manager, Emmis' WKQX-FM, Chicago; Clare Duignan -Managing Director of RTÉ Radio (Took up post Feb 2009); Bruce DuMont - founder, President and CEO of the Museum of Broadcast Communications in Chicago and US Radio Hall of Fame President; Andy Duncan - UK Channel 4 chief executive; James Duncan - president of Duncan's American Radio; Kate Dundas -Director of Radio (From Mar, 2009) and former Head of Music Networks & Head of National Networks-designate, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Myles Dungan -RTÉ (Ireland) broadcaster; John Dunn - veteran BBC host (died Nov 2004); Stephen Dunifer - Pirate radio pioneer in San Francisco area; Eamon Dunphy - former Newstalk 106 breakfast host (Quit Oct 2011) and former Today FM (Ireland), host - to move to RTÉ Radio 1 in autumn 2006; Beau Duran - former morning personality on WUPD-FM, Phoenix, Arizona (fired Oct 2002 after prank call asking for date from widow of St Louis Cardinal's pitcher); Lucy Duran - presenter BBC Radio 3 "World Routes" programme; Jeffrey Dvorkin - US National Public Radio ombudsman; Geoff Dyer - UK author and broadcaster; Dave Van Dyke - former Citadel VP and former President, Bridge Ratings (US- joined ABC Radio Networks/Citadel October 2007 and- ousted by Citadel Oct 2009); Greg Dyke - former Director-General British Broadcasting Corporation (resigned January 2004); Marv Dyson - former Vice President and General Manager of WGCI-FM/AM, and General Manager of WVAZ-FM, Chicago (job eliminated November 2003);
E: Lord John Eatwell -former chairman UK Commercial Radio Companies Association (CRCA)- stepped down March 2004; John Ebdon - former BBC broadcaster (died March 2005); Bob Edmiston - British multi-millionaire funder/funder of Christian Voice; Noel Edmonds - veteran British DJ; Bob Edwards - XM Satellite Radio host and former US National Public Radio senior correspondent and former host of 'Morning Edition' (last show April 2004); Mike Elder programme director WLKO-AM, Boston and former -operations chief, WLS-AM,Chicago; Judy Ellis - Former Chief Operating Officer of Citadel Broadcasting (Taken over by Cumulus Sep 2011) and former Senior Vice President/Market Manager of Emmis-New York until Feb 2003; George Elrick - former BBC presenter (deceased); David Elstein - chairman, UK Commercial Radio Companies Association(CRCA); Donald Emslie -former Executive director (stepped down Apr 2007) and former (Jul 2006 to Feb 2007) Acting Chief Executive SMG; Ford Ennals - Chief Executive Digital Radio UK (Now Get Digital Radio); Maurice Ennals -launch manager of BBC first local radio station, Radio Leicester (died Sept 2002); Steve Ennen - vice-president and general manager, WUSN-FM, Chicago; Michael Enright -former host of CBC Radio's current affairs show, This Morning; Howard Eskin - host, WIP-AM, Philadelphia; Mike ``Mikey'' Esparza - Dallas-based DJ, working for various Clear Channel stations; Philadelphia; Chris Evans - British broadcaster and former radio mogul- former BBC Radio 2 Drivetime host -took over BBC Radio 2 Breakfast show Jan, 2010; John Evington - station manager, The Revolution (Oldham), former Managing director and Programme Director Original 106, UK (left station Feb 2008) and former Wireless Group Programme Director; Richard Eyre - OutgoingChairman (Appointed Nov 2007, to stand down June 6, 2008) - former deputy-chairman (from May 1, 2007) GCap media and former UK ITV chief executive, former chief executive Capital Radio;

F:Antonio Ibarra Farina - CEO-designate of planned Mexican radio company,Grupo Acir-Radiopolis; Randy Falco - President and CEO -(appointed June 2011) and former Executive Vice President and COO, Univision - former former chief executive of AOL and president of the NBC Universal television group; Robert Farrell - chairman Pacifica Foundation, US; Liam Fay - UK Sunday Times writer; Robert Feder - Former Vocalo media writer (left Nov 2010) and former Chicago Sun-Times media columnist- to join Time Out Chicago in Jan 2011; Sen Russ Feingold - Wisconsin Democrat who introduced legislation concerning radio consolidation; Caroline Feraday - former BBC presenter, now LBC host; Peter Ferrara - President US HD Radio Alliance - former Strategic Advisor ( Jan 2009) & former President and CEO, US HD Digital Radio Alliance (Now just HD Radio Alliance); Nick Ferrari - UK talk host; W. Kenneth Ferree - former US Federal Communications Commission Media Bureau Chief; Reginald Fessenden - Canadian-born radio pioneer of AM and voice radio; David J. Field - President and CEO Entercom, US (May 2002, formerly President and COO); Sam Fields - veteran Los Angeles jazz DJ (Died Sept 2005); Jean-Francois (Jeff) Fillion - XM Canada host and former CHOI-FM, Quebec, morning host (Quit Mar 2005); Konrad von Finckenstein - former Chairman, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) - appointed Jan 2007-Term ended Jan 2012; Richard Findlay -Chairman SMG and former Chief Executive Scottish Radio Holdings (SRH) - retired from SRH post September 2004; Paul Finebaum - Birmingham, Alabama-based sports host - sued employer Citadel in 2011 for breach of contract; Vincent Finn - former director general of Irish state broadcaster RTÉ; Marc Fisher - Washington Post reporter; David H. Fiske - Director of the Office of Media Relations for the US Federal Communications Commission; Nance Flaherty - Internet Radio Cool broadcaster; Andrew Flanagan - former - until July 2006 - chief executive SMG (former Scottish Media Group); Mark Flanagan - former managing director of Chrysalis-owned LBC, London (left July 2005 to become a political lobbyist); Lucille Fletcher - US writer and radio dramatist (deceased); Prof. David Flint --former chairman, Australian Broadcasting Authority(Stepping down July 2004); Frank Flores - former Chief Revenue Officer/Radio Chief Operating Officer, Spanish Broadcasting System (left company June 2010); Shelagh Fogarty - BBC Radio Five Live breakfast co-host (to move to host noon show May 2011); Emma Forbes -former UK Capital FM host (left Nov 2003) and former breakfast co-host , Heart FM, London (Left April 2003); Dee Ford - Bauer Group MD Radio and former Emap Group Managing Director of Radio; Kenneth A. Ford - vice chairman, Pacifica Foundation, US; John Fordham --agent for John Laws, Sydney broadcaster; (Dame) Liz Forgan - former BBC managing director of network radio; Brian Forst "Frosty" - Vancouver CKNW morning host (retiring May 2005); Robert H. Forward - California radio and television veteran (deceased); Guy Fournier - former chair, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - took office February 2005, resigned September 2006; Michael Fowler - general manager WJMK Chicago; Neil Fox (Dr Fox) - Magic FM - London - breakfast host and former UK Capital FM drivetime host and former Hit 40 chart show host; Alex Frame - former vice-president of CBC Radio (Retired Nov. 2002); Al Franken -- US author and comedian and former Air America Radio host (show ended Feb 2007); John Gordon Fraser- US broadcaster (deceased); Mark Fratrik - SVP, BIA/Kelsey; David K Frear - EVP and CFO Sirius XM Radio, formerly CFO. Sirius Satellite Radio; Alan Freeman - veteran UK -bases Australian-born disc-jockey(Sony lifetime achievement award winner); Warren Freiberg- former Mid-West radio host (deceased); Shane "Rover" French - US Radio host - (formerly in Cleveland - replaced Howard Stern Jan 2006 on CBS Mid-West stations)- dropped in Chicago July 2006 and returned to Cleveland;Tom Freston - co-president and co-COO, Viacom (appointed June 2004); Andy Friedman - former news director WBBM-AM, Chicago, now with Clear Channel; Gary Fries - Consultant for Arbitron and former President and CEO of the Radio Advertising Bureau, US (Left Sept 2006); Edward O Fritts - President and Chief Executive Officer, US National Association of Broadcasters; Mark Frost - managing director of Capital Interactive, UK; John Fullam -Greater Media Philadelphia market manager and former President/COO, Infinity Broadcasting (Stepped down April 2003);

G: Dan Gallagher- Toronto radio host (deceased); Eddie Gallaher - former Washington, DC, morning host (retired Dec 2000; died Nov 2003); Paul Gambaccini - US born, British-based broadcaster; John A. Gambling -longtime morning host, WOR-AM, New York, and son of John B. Gambling (died Jan 2004); John R. Gambling - son of John A, grandson of John B, and third in family to host "Rambling with Gambling" show on WOR-AM. Moved to WABC-AM in 2001Returning to WOR May 2008; Joseph A. Garcia - Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer and Secretary Spanish Broadcasting System, US; Vincent Gardino -director of corporate development WNYC, New York; Jon Gaunt - UK talk host and winner of 3 Sony Gold Awards, 2001-fired by UTV Nov 2008; John Gehron - Former General manager Harpo Radio (took up post fall 2006, dropped Nov 2008) and former Infinity Broadcasting SVP ( "laid off" Oct 2001), and former- resigned Oct 2005 - Clear Channel Chicago Regional VP/Market Manager (Appointed Jan 2002); Julius Genachowski - US FCC chairman (Nominated Mar 2009, Sworn in June2009 ); JoAnn Genette -WLIT, Chicago, morning co-host; Marc Germain - KABC Los Angeles host; Russ Germain - veteran Canadian broadcaster(retired August 2002); Eva Georgia - general manager of Pacifica network's KPFK-FM, Los Angeles; Don Geronimo -(real name Michael Sorce) -US radio host - now with KTHK-AM, Sacramento - formerly Don of "Don and Mike - stepped down May 2008 but then returned to air on small stations; Sir Peter Gibbings - chairman UK Radio Authority (outgoing 1999); John Gibbs - Australian rugby league commentator; Charles Giddens - trustee appointed to handle the remainingClear Channel--AMFM disposals required by regulators; Gail Gilmore- WUMB-FM, Boston, broadcaster; Chris Gilbey - co-founder, Australia (now defunct): Robert Gillet - CJMF-FM, Quebec, morning host; Jock Given-Australian Communications Law Centre; Rob Glaser - founder, chairman and chief executive, RealNetworks & chairman Air America Radio; Ira Glass - host, US National Public Radio show "This American Life"; Sir William Glock - former BBC Controller of Music (deceased); Fiona Glover - BBC host, former LBC contributor, and former BBC Radio Five Live morning and late night host on the station (took sabbatical in US July 2003); Cathal Goan - Director-General Irish state broadcaster RTÉ (took over October 2003); Leslie Gold - "The Radio Chick" - New York host (Joined Sirius January 2005, then moved to Free-FM, Dropped May 2007); Danny Goldberg- CEO Air America Radio; Jerome Edward Golden - Chicago radio veteran (died January 2003); Melvin Gollub - former owner WJMS, Prince Frederick; Jose N Gomez - Chicago Spanish-language broadcaster (died July 2002); ; Juan Gonzalez - fomer co-host of Pacifica Network's "Democracy Now!" (quit on air and led Save Pacifica Campaign protesting at management actions); David Goode - chief executive, Scottish Radio Holdings; Mark Goodier - former BBC Radio 1 DJ & subsequently Classic FM chart show host, host of EMAP's interactive chart show and host of GMG chart show.; Amy Goodman - host of the US Pacifica Network's daily newsmagazine Democracy Now!; Nik Goodman- former Programme Director Capital Radio (left Apr 2006) and UK Virgin Radio; Dick Gordon - former Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reporter/new host of "The Connection" on US public radio(started October 2001); Jim Gordon - veteran New York news and sports broadcaster (died February 2003); Lisa Gordon - former Corporate Affairs Director, UK Chrysalis Group and former chief executive of Chrysalis New Media, UK (Quit December 2002 to spend time with her young family); Lord Gordon of Strathblane - chairman, Scottish Radio Holdings (SRH) and of UK Radio Ratings Organisation RAJAR; Michael Gordon-Smith- Australian Broadcasting Authority member and Australian cash-for-comment enquiry chairman; John Gorman - US media consultant and media blogger;Tom Gormley - member of trade union group on the RTÉ Partnership Project.; Mike Gould - President & CEO, Eastlan Ratings (US radio ratings company); Michael Grade - former BBC chairman (took office May 2004 - resigned Nov 2004 to join ITV as executrive chairman); James Graham -Chairman, Border TV (UK); Michael Graham - Boston WTTK-FM host and former WMAL-AM, Washington, host (suspended then dismissed - Aug 2005 - for comments on Islam); Gareth Grainger - deputy chairma, Australian Broadcasting Association (outgoing); Senator Rod Grams -Republican, Minnesota(introduced bill to limit Low Power FM Bill into Senate); Mark Gray - President Katz Radio Group (Appointed Nov 2000); Mark Green - President, Air America Radio(From March 2007); Ian Greenberg - President and CEO of Greenberg family owned Astral Media Inc, Canada; Bob Greene -former Chicago Tribune columnist; Scott Greenstein - President and Chief Content Officer, Sirius XM Radio, and former President Entertainment and Sports, Sirius Satellite Radio; Hubert Gregg - BBC radio host, actor, songwriter, and stage director (died March 2004); Judd Gregg - Republican Senator, New Hampshire; Paul Griffin - aka Captain Fred of Berkeley pirate radio station 104.1 FM; Les Grobstein - Chicago sportscaster - fired as WSCR-AM overnight host August 200; Linda Groen - head of Radio Current Affairs, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation(appointed Sept. 2003) ; Al Gross - citizen's band radio pioneer and inventor of the walkie-talkie radio, the wireless pager and the cordless telephone (Deceased); Terry Gross - host of the US National Public Radio show "Fresh Air"; Patricia Guadalupe - former network news diretor, Pacifica Radio (fired when department closed down, February 2002); Ceng Guangxing - director, Guangdong People's Radio Station in south China; Philip Guarascio - non-Executive chairman, Arbitron (From May 2009); Ralph Guild - former non-executive chairman and former Chairman and CEO, Interep, US radio sales and marketing company(Went into Chapter 7 bankruptcy Nov 2008) ; Krishnan Guru-Murthy - London LBC host; Charles J Gussman - veteran writer of radio soap operas(deceased); Peter Gzowski - former CBC, Canada, radio host (died Jan 2002):

H: Karl Haas - syndicated US classical music host (died Feb 2005); Ray Hadley -2GB, Sydney, morning host and former sports commentator, 2UE , Sydney; Eric Von Haessler - of The Regular Guys - morning duo on Atlanta WKLS-FM (96 Rock -suspended March 2003, fired April 2004, after stunt went wrong)- joined WGST-AM, March 2005 and then back on WKLS in May 2005; Jeff Haley- President and CEO, the Radio Advertising Bureau, US (Took up post Sep 18. 2006); John Hall - CEO RadioScape; Tony Hall - former BBC Director of News; Dan Halyburton - former Senior Vice President/Market Manager for Emmis New York (Appointed May, 2006- stepping down Nov 2008)- formerly Senior Vice President/General Manager Group Operations for Susquehanna Radio; Eithne Hand - former head RTÉ, Ireland, Radio 1(Appointed January 2003on 3year contract. Stepped down January 2006); Karen Hand - former news director, and morning news anchor, WBBM-FM, Chicago, now hosting weekday evening show on WCKG-FM; Joseph .P. Hannan - Senior Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, Cumulus Media; Sean Hannity - US talk host went into national syndication Sept. 2001- signed new deal with both Citadel's ABC Radio Networks and Premiere Radio Networks July 2008; Patrick Hanratty SC - counsel for Flood Tribunal, Ireland; Chuck Harder - syndicated US talk host; Terry Hardin - former (left CBS Radio April 2006 ) Vice President and General Manager of WCKG-FM (Free FM) and former VP and GM of WLIT and General Manager of WNUA-FM, Chicago; Phil Harding - former editor of BBC Radio 4 Today programme and director designate of BBC World Service English networks and news; Ed Hardy - CEO, MeasureCast; Jim Hardy - President, ; Jon Harker - Sydney 2GB broadcaster; Wendy Harmer - DMG Vega morning host -formerly Sydney 2-Day FM breakfast host (left Nov 2003 to spend more time with family-joined DMG July 2005); Phil Harper - long-time Seattle radio host (died Oct 2004); Steve Harris -XM Satellite Radio Vice President, External Programming; Andrew Harrison - chief executive (took up post Oct 2006) UK RadioCentre; Evan Harrison - Executive Vice President of Clear Channel Radio and President of the company's Online Music & Radio unit - formerly AOL Music VP and GM; Harry Harrison - New York veteran morning host (retired March 2003); Michael Harrison - Editor of Talkers Magazine,US; Al Hart- KCBS, San Francisco, host (retiring); Ron Hartenbaum - President, Jones Media Networks, US; Eddy W. Hartenstein - non-executive chairman Sirius XM Radio (Appointed Nov 2009); Alex Harvey - Managing Director, Macquarie Media Group, Australia; Paul Harvey - Late ABC network commentator/ most listened to "radio voice" in the US (Died Feb 2009); Paul Harvey Jr - US radio writer/producer/host -son of Paul Harvey; Peter Harvie -executive chairman Austereo; Andrew Harwood - Sydney 2GB presenter; Mike Hatch - Minnesota Attorney-General ; Dale Hatfield -Chief of US FCC Office of Engineering and Technology; Charles Haughey - former Irish Prime Minister; Brian Hayes - veteran Australian-born UK broadcaster; Drew Hayes - Operations Director WLS-AM, Chicago (Feb 1, 2010) and former program director WCKG -FM, Chicago and former operations director, WBBM-AM and WSCR-AM, Chicago; Jimmy W. Hayes - CEO, Cox Enterprises (Parent of Cox Radio -took up post Jan 1, 2009); John P Hayes -President, Corus Radio (Canada) - To step down Aug 31, 2008; Fru Hazlitt - OutgoingCEO GCap Media (Dec 2007- June 6, 2008 ) and also outgoing Managing Director (took up post May 1, 2007), GCap London & former Chief Executive, SMG Radio Division (took office August 2005- resigned January 2007); Richard Heftel - vice president of Hispanic Broadcasting(US) ; Chris Heim - music director, WBEZ-FM, Chicago; Mr Justice Séamus Henchy - former chairman Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Philip Hensher - UK Independent columnist; Georgeann Herbert - operations manager of WMAQ and WBBM,Chicago; George Herman - veteran CBS broadcaster (died Feb 2005); Ken Herrera- WTMJ-AM, Milwaukee, morning host and former WGGN-AM and WBBM-AM, Chicago host; Bob Hesketh- former Toronto broadcaster (deceased); Thomas Hicks - vice-chairman of Clear Channel and former chairman and CEO of AMFM; Jerry Hill - CEO- (Took up post Sep. 2010) - UK radio ratings company RAJAR; Professor Ray Hills - former head of the UK Independent Broadcasting Authority's Communications Services divisionand technical adviser to Century Radio, Ireland; Fred Hilmer - Chief Executive Fairfax Holdings; Jeff Hilton - John Laws' counsel in cash-for-comment affair; Derryn Hinch - Melbourne 3AW Afternoon host - inducted into Australian Radio Hall of Fame Oct 2010; Maurice Hinchey - NY Democrat congressman, founder and chairman of the Future of American Media (FAM) Caucus; Carl E. Hirsch - Executive Chairman, NextMedia, US; Mary Hockaday- Deputy-editor BBC Radio News (took up post end of April 2006); John Hogan - Chairman and CEO Clear Channel Mdia and Entertainment (Feb 2012)- formerly President and CEO, Clear Channel Radio, US (appointed Aug 2002: Was COO from Aug 2001); Simon Hoggart - UK Guardian columnist; Julian Holland - BBC Radio 4 programme editor (died Nov 2001); Joel Hollander - former chairman and CEO (Jan 2005 -Mar 2007), CBS Radio, the former Infinity Broadcasting - and former Infinity president and COO and President and CEO, Westwood One, US; Les Hollander - brother of Joel Hollander and CBS Radio SVP/regional manager (formerly with Clear Channel); Nigel Holmes- former BBC radio producer and author of critical report on religious broadcasting; Matthew Honey - managing director, Unique Interactive, the technology arm of UBC Media, UK; Richard Hooper- former Deputy Chairman of Ofcom (Left at end of 2005) and former chairman UK Radio Authority; Peter Horrocks -BBC Director of Global News & former Director BBC World Service (took up post in April 2009); Andrew Howard - Los Angeles host (with Karel Boley) of "Karel and Andrew" show (deceased); John Howard-Australian Prime Minister; Quentin Howard - Chief executive Digital One, UK & President, WorldDMB ( formerly WorldDAB forum -took office Nov 2005); Sue Howard - Former Director of ABC Radio & Regional Content (To end of Dec 2008); Big John Howell - Chicago DJ, hosted oldies and country shows before joining news-talk WIND-AM in 2006; Catherine L Hughes - founder and chairwoman Radio 1 Inc.; Gary Hughes - Group Finance Director, Emap p.l.c. (UK) and chairman Emap Performance Division from Aug 2004- to leave company May 2005; Gregg Hughes - Opie of US Opie and Anthony show- cancelled August 2002 by WNEW, relaunced on XM October 2004- also on CBS K-Rock from 2006 until 2009); Howard Hughes -LBC breakfast show newsreader, formerly with Capital FM (UK)- getting his own show Jan 2004; Tim Hughes - former Executive chairman, Macquarie Media Group, Australia (Resigned Feb 2007); Tom Hughes QC- Sydney 2 UE Counsel; Rusty Humphries - conservative US talk host; John Humphrys -BBC Radio 4 Breakfast show presenter; Jim Hunt -co-host Prime Time Sports, Canada; Rex Hunt - Melbourne radio host; Richard Huntingford - Executive chairman- Virgin Radio Holdings (Sep 1, 2007) and former chief-executive, Chrysalis Group, UK; Mike Huskey - station manager at WAGY AM, Forest City, North Carolina; Noreen Hynes - former head of finance, Century Radio, Ireland;

I: Don Imus - US host -hired by Citadel Nov 2007 (Fired by CBS April 2007); Laura Ingraham - syndicated US talk host; Steve Inskeep co-host of US National Public Radio's "Morning Edition" and former weekend host (from Nov 2002) of its "All Things Considered" news magazine programme; David Isay - US radio documentary producer; Valerie Van Isler - member of Pacifica Network national operations staff and former general manager, of Pacifica's New York station,WBAI-FM (fired in 1999 Christmas Coup but later reinstated); John Ivey - program director, WXKS Boston (Kiss) ; Andy Ivy - Editor, Sky News radio, UK;

J:David Jackson - Director, Voice of America; Harold Jackson- UK Guardian writer; Gerry Jackson - former director of Capital Radio, Zimbabwe, now running SW Radio Africa; Michael Jackson - Los Angeles talk host; Paul Jackson - Group Programme Director (Nov 2010), DMG Radio Australia, and former Global Radio Group Programme Director Capital FM, former Managing director Capital Radio and former MD SMG Radio and programme director, Virgin Radio, UK; Nick Jackson - drivetime host at Virgin Radio, UK; Charles Jaco - St Louis talk host, fired by Infinity KMOX-AM, November 2002, hired by Entercom's KFTK-FM. Feb 2003; Ron Jacobs - veteran US radio programme and host (involved in exchange with then Clear Channel CEO Randy Michaels); Terry Jacobs -Vice-chairman Regent Communications - formerly Chairman and CEO (Stood down July 2005); Becky Jago - UK Capital FM breakfast show co-host (leaving end of 2004); Arun Jaitley - India's Communications and Broadcasting Minister: Doug James -WUBT-FM, Chicago, morning host; Mike Janssen - writer on US public broadcasting magazine "Current"; Terry Jaymes - Terry of the "Lex and Terry Morning Radio Network.", US; Peter James - head of Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Classic FM network; Judy Jarvis- U.S. talk show host (deceased); Tom Jeffries - fired afternoon host, CKKS,Vancouver; Loren Jenkins - senior foreign editor, US National Public Radio; Jim Jennings - Head of RTÉ Radio 1 (Appointed Dec 2010); Dan Jiggetts - afternoon co-host WSCR-AM,Chicago (contract not renewed July 2003); Bob Jobbins - BBC World Service director of English networks and news (departing); Brian Johns- former managing director Australian Broadcasting Corporation (to Mar 2000); Catherine Johns- former WJMK, Chicago, broadcaster; Allan Johnson- Chicago Tribune TV writer; Dean Johnson - Boston Herald media writer; Steve Johnson - Chicago Tribune media writer; Alan Jones - Sydney 2GB breakfast host, formerly with rival 2UE until March 2002; Rocky Jones - member Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council Atlantic Regional Council; Tarsha Nicole Jones - former Clear Channel WUSL-FM, Philadelphia, morning host (Sep 2009 until fired Nov 2011) former Radio One WPHI-FM, Philadelphia host (From July, 2008) and former - Emmis Hot 97, New York, "Miss Jones in the Morning" host (Suspended Feb 2005 over airing of parody "tsunami song."; Tim Jones- Chicago Tribune writer; Zemira Jones - Former Vice President of Operations Radio One Inc. and former president and general manager, WLS-AM, Chicago; Jeff Joniak - sports anchor WBBM,Chicago; Bob Jordan - President, The Media Audit; John Josephs -chairman, Forever Broadcasting, UK; Tessa Jowell - UK Culture (Media) Secretary; Tom Joyner - syndicated US morning host; Pierre Juneau - World Radio and Television Council chairman; Mark Jurkowitz - Boston Globe media writer;

K:Michael Kakoyiannis -ex Big City Radio , now President and CEO of Internet audio broadcaster Stellar Networks; John Kampfner - former political correspondent for BBC Radio 4 "Today" show; David Kaplan -WGN-Chicago radio sports host; Sherman Kaplan - WBBM, Chicago, host (Retired Aug 2004); Edwin J Kane - veteran US(AP) radio broadcaster (deceased); David Kantor - President AMFM Radio Networks, US; Austen Kark - former Managing Director, BBC World Service (killed in train crash May 2002); Mel Karmazin - CEO Sirius XM Radio and formerly of Sirius Satellite Radio -also former Viacom President and COO (resigned June 2004) & former Chairman and CEO Infinity Broadcasting (US); Anne Karpf- former U.K. Guardian columnist; Gerald Kaufman - English MP; Vernon Kay - BBC Radio 1 host; Jhani Kaye -AMFM's director of contemporary programming for Los Angeles; Irv Kaze - US sports executive and broadcaster (died July 2002); Traug Keller - President, ABC Radio, US; Garrison Keillor- U.S. author and broadcaster; Alan Keith, - veteran BBC broadcaster (died March 2003); Lionel Kelloway - British broadcaster; Henry Kelly - former UK Classic FM breakfast host (dropped from show June 2003)-became LBC drivetime host Sept 2003 ( dropped Dec 2004); John Kempf - air name Byrd - WLUP-FM, Chicago, morning host (from Dec 2009- moved from midday to replace Jonathon Brandmeier); William E. Kennard - former Chairman US Federal Communications Commission (1997 to 2001); David Kennedy - CEO and vice-chairman Interep and former President/CEO and President/COO of Susquehanna Radio Corp. US and US RAB chairman 2004; Sarah Kennedy - former BBC Radio 2 early morning host- left corporation Sep 2010; Kerri-Anne Kennerley - Sydney 2GB presenter; Jeff Kennett - Melbourne radio host and former Premier of Victoria, Australia; Colum Kenny- member of Irish Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC); Jay Kernis - senior vice-president of programming for US National Public Radio; Bob Kerr- veteran Canadian Broadcasting Corporation host (died April 2003); William T. Kerr - President & CEO Arbitron (From Jan 2010); Bob Kerrey - Democratic Senator for Nebraska; Andy Kershaw - British radio host - best known for work on World Music; Jerome L. (Jerry) Kersting - Chief Financial Officer, Clear Channel Radio; Iskandar Khatloni- correspondent for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Tajik Service (died after being attacked in Moscow); John Kiesewetter - Cincinnati Enquirer writer; Buzz Kilman - former midday co-host WCKG,Chicago; Chris Kimber - head of BBC Radio Online; Stephen Kindred - KFWB-AM, Los Angeles, radio reporter (awarded his 13th Golden Mike Feb 2001); Jason King - JK of UK JK and Joel duo; Miles Kington -UK Independent columnist; Durward Kirby - former U.S. Broadcaster (deceased); Harvey Kirck - veteran Canadian broadcaster (died February 2002); Charlie Kireker - chairman Air America Radio (From Mar 2008); David Kirk - Former Chief Executive, Fairfax Media (Australia) - stood down December 2008; Jim Kirk --former Chicago Tribune media columnist, now marketing columnist; Kraig T. Kitchin - president and chief operating officer of Premiere Radio Networks, US (stepping down July 2007); Adrian Van Klaveren - Controller BBC Radio Five Live and BBC 5 Live Sports Extra (Took up post April 2008); Liza Kliman - Independent radio producer, UK; William (Bill) Kling -president of Minnesota Public Radio/American Public Media Group - to step down June 2011; Kevin Klose - President 1998-2008 US National Public Radio & from April 2009 Dean of Philip Merrill College of Journalism, Maryland University; Gary E. Knell - CEO designate US NPR (Takes up post Dec1); Michael Knight-Australian Olympics Minister; John Chester Kobylt - John of John and Ken Show on KFI-AM, Los Angeles; Peter Kosann - Former President and CEO, Westwood One (appointed Jan 2006, succeeded Jan 2008 by Thomas Beusse); James Kossler - President Pasadena City College; Ramona Koval- deputy staff-elected director,Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Arts Kraft - 1999 Golden Mike award winner( best sports news story); Keith Kramer - Kramer of "Kramer and Twitch" - fired by Clear Channel after Britney Spear's death hoax then hired by Infinity; ; Weezie Kramer - Former general manager WJMJ-FM,Chicago, now regional vice-president Entercom; Mike Krauser -news director, WMAQ-AM, Chicago moving to WBBM; Doug Kreeger - former Chief Executive, Air America Radio(Stepped down Feb 2005); Mark Krieschen -- vice president and general manager of Cox Radio's KHPT-FM and KLDE-FM, Houston and former VP and General Manager, WGN-AM, Chicago (resigned Feb 2005); Milton E. Krents - former NBC executive (deceased); Kris Kridel - afternoon host with Sherman Kaplan, WBBM, Chicago; William Krippaehne Jr. - former CEO, Fisher Communications (US- asked by board to leave in Jan 2005); Michael Kroger -ABC Australia Board member; Howard Kurtz - Washington Post media writer; Steve Kyte- departing deputy controller of BBC Radio 5 Live and editorial director designate of London station LBC;
L: Hubert Lacroix - President and CEO-designate Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Michael Laffan - former chief executive of (now defunct) Century Radio,Ireland; David Lague - Sydney Morning Herald writer; Irina Lallemand - Director of News, XM Satellite Radio, and former news director at WCBS-AM, New York; Steve Lamacq- BBC Radio DJ; John Landecker - Chicago host (Made name with WLS-AM; -Dropped by WJMK 2003 and by WZZN 2007); Alex Langer -President, Langer Broadcasting, US; Tom Langmyer - VP/General Manager, WGN Radio, Chicago (appointed March 2005); Katherine Lanpher - co-host of the "O'Franken Factor" on Air America and former Minnesota Public Radio host; Charles Laquidara -veteran Boston disc jockey (retired); Matthew Lasar - US author of book on Pacifica Network; Albert Lasker - radio advertising pioneer; Fred Latremouille - morning co-hose with wife Cathy Baldazzi of Clear FM, Vancouver and formerly with CKKSFM, Vancouver (retired 1999- returned to air Sept 2006); Alex Lauchlan - Chief Executive Officer,; Roy Laughlin - Former SVP/Market Manager, CBS Radio, Los Angeles (Appointed Aug 2008, Left Jan 2009) - formerly with Magic Broadcasting, GAP, Clear Channel; Sue Lawley - British broadcaster and host of BBC Radio 4 "Desert Island Discs" programme( To step down Autumn 2006); Liam Lawlor - former Fianna Fáil Dublin West TD (Member of Parliament); John Laws - former Sydney 2UE morning host-retired Nov 30, 2007; Mark Lawson - UK Guardian columnist; Corey Layton -formerly "Captain Turntable" on Australian Radio Network's TT-FM, joining DMG-Radio Australia new Sydney FM station: Janet Lea - head of radio music, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Norman Lebrecht - UK music critic and BBC Radio 3 presenter; Ana Leddy- former head RTÉ Radio 1 (Appointed Jan 2006-stepped down end of 2010to return to programme making); Andy Lee - Andy of Austereo "Hamish and Andy" drivetime show- from 2011 only doing Friday show; Utrice Leid -former National Program Director for US Pacifica radio (Resigned Dec 2001); Roy Leonard - former WGM,Chicago, host; Larry LeSueur - former CBS WW2 radio reporter (died Feb 2002); Andrew Levin - Clear Channel Executive Vice President for Law and Government Affairs, Chief Legal Officer, and Company Secretary (To step down January 2009); Roger Lewis - Former Managing Director of Classic FM and director of GWR, UK - left Sept 2004 to join ITV, Wales; Tom Leykis - Los Angeles-based syndicated (Westwood One) talk host; Nick Lezard - UK Independent radio columnist; Jeffery A. Liberman - President and former Chief Operating Officer of Entravision Radio Group (US); Lenard Liberman - CEO and president (Formerly Executive vice-president), LBI Media (US); Ron Liddle - former editor of the BBC 'Today' breakfast programme (moved Oct 2002); G. Gordon Liddy - syndicated US radio host and convicted Watergate conspirator; Alfred C. Liggins III - president and chief executive, Radio One Inc (US); Rush Limbaugh- conservative US talk-show host; Gregg Lindahl - vice-president, Cox Radio Interactive, US; Adam Lindemann - chairman, Mega Communications,US; Gregg Lindner, Executive vice president, Service Innovation and chief research officer, Arbitron Inc.; David Lister media editor, UK Independent; Dr Avtar Lit - owner of Sunrise Radio, UK; Jeff Littlejohn - Preident -former Executive SVP of Distribution Development, Clear Channel Radio (formerly Senior VP/Engineering); Geoff Lloyd - late-night host and former breakfast co-host (with Pete Mitchell) for UK Virgin Radio; Sally Loane - former ABC Sydney morning host; Dave Logan - US rock veteran, PD WCBS-FM, New York, and former EVP Programming for Air America Radio; Gabby Logan - British Broadcaster -BBC Radio 5 Live weekend host = to host BBC Radio 5 weekday lunchtime show from January 2010; Sandra Tsing Loh - former California KCRW host - fired March 2004; Malcolm Long - member Australian Broadcasting Authority; Paul Long- Pittsburgh broadcaster (died July 2002); Tony Longo - Twitch of Kramer and Twitch - fired by Clear Channel after Britney Spear's death hoax then hired by Infinity; Bob Longwell - Chief executive, Australian Radio Network; Bob Lonsberry - Conservative US talk-host (suspended then fired by Clear Channel's WHAM-AM); Francisco Ibarra Lopez - president-designate of planned Mexican radio company,Grupo Acir-Radiopolis; Ross Love - former CEO Blue Chip Broadcasting (now on Board of Radio One Inc, US, which took over Blue Chip); Judith Lucy- breakfast host, 2-DAY FM, Sydney (from Nov 2003); Larry Lujack - veteran Chicago disc jockey (retired); Robert J. Lurtsema - veteran WGBH, Boston, morning classical host (deceased);Tuong Quang Luu - head of SBS Radio, Australia; Christopher Lydon -former host of "The Connection" on US Public Radio(Quit March 2001); Sir Michael Lyons - chairman- BBC Trust (Took office May 1, 2007-to step down May 2011);

M: Kelvin MacKenzie - former -chairman and chief executive of U.K. Wireless Group -which owned TalkSport and was taken over by UTV; Sue MacGregor - UK broadcaster and columnist - former BBC Radio 4 breakfast presenter- retired from Today show in February 2002 after 18 years; Laurie Macmillan - BBC Radio 4 annnouncer ( died Oct 2001); Stuart Maconie - BBC DJ - co host of Maconie and Radcliffe Show which moves from BBC Radio2 to BBC 6 Music in April 2011; Prue MacSween - Sydney 2UE late-night host; Richard H. Madden - Vice President US Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) (deceased); Lyn Maddock - Acting chair (Sept 2002), Australian Broadcasting Authority & subsequently Deputy chair & Acting chair of successor Australian Communications and Media Authority; Joe Madison - morning host, WOL-AM,Washington: Conor Maguire - chairperson Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI); Mike Maguire - breakfast co-host, Century FM, UK; Andy Mahoney - Irish radio broadcaster; Elisabeth Mahoney - UK Guardian radio critic; Pierre Mailloux - "Doc Mailloux" - Canadian pyschiatrist and former radio host; John Mainelli - WFNY-FM (Free FM) New York Program Director and former New York Post radio columnist (dropped Sept 2006) and radio consultant; Eddie Mair - Presenter BBC Radio 4 "Broadcasting House" programme, to move to weekday PM programme; Rafe Mair - veteran former Vancouver talk-host (fired from CKNW-AM June 2003: Hired by 600 AM July 2003- late 2005. Currently a print commentator); Torey Malatia - president and general manager, Chicago public station WBEZ-FM; Mike Malloy- fired former late host of WLS-AM Chicago; Tony Manera - former CBC President ; Harry Mannis - veteran Canadian broadcaster (died January 2003); Bruce Mansfield - fired Melbourne broadcaster; David Mansfield - RAJAR chairman Oct 2007) and former chief executive G-CAP Media (Stepped down Sept 2005) - merged Capital-GWR Group - and former Capital chief executive); Larry Mantle - KPCC-FM (Ca) Programme Director; P.J. Mara - former press secretary, Fianna Fáil party (Ireland); Brad March - managing director, Austereo, Dec 1997- Oct 2003; David Margolese - founder and former chairman and Chief Executive Office (stepped down October 2001), Sirius Satellite Radio; Enda Marren - former solicitor to Oliver Barry, co-founder of Century Radio, Ireland: Johnny Mars - former evening personality at WXRT-FM, Chicago (ousted June 2001); David Marsden - former CFNY-AM broadcaster; Kevin Marsh -Editor-in chief of the BBC College of Journalism and former Editor, BBC Radio 4 "Today" breakfast show (appointed Nov 2002: Formerly editor of BBC Radio 4 "World and One" and "PM" programmes - taking voluntary redundancy Mar 2011; Lynley Marshall - Director of New Media, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; John Martin -online President, Clear Channel, US; Kevin J. Martin - Former Chairman US Federal Communications Commission -March 2005- and FCC Commissioner since July 2001) -Stepped down Jan 20, 2009; Stan Martin - former New York radio personality and executive (died January 2003); Tim Martz - founder, President and CEO, Martz Communications Group, US; Jay Marvin - evening host WLS-AM,Chicago; Dan Mason - President and CEO (took over April 2007), CBS Radio, and former president, Infinity Radio, US (retired Sept 2002 and became consultant for various radio companies; Michael Mason - head of local networks, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Dr Chris Masters - former chairman SMG (Ousted February 2007); Kevin Matthews - midday host WCKG-FM,Chicago, (April 2002) and former WZZN-FM, , morning host (fired August 2001); John Maxton -Scottish Labour MP; Kevin Mayer - chief executive Clear Channel Interactive, US; Barry Mayo - Former President Radio One Inc. radio division (Aug 2007 to Mar 2012) former Emmis' senior vice-president and New York market manager- stepped down May 2006; Simon Mayo - British Radio host - to host BBC Radio 2 drivetime show from January 2010; Lowry Mays - former Chairman - until Oct 2004 and CEO,Clear Channel, US; Mark Mays - Chairman of Board- formerly also President and CEO, Clear Channel Communications (& of Clear Channel Media Holdings * Clear Channel Outdoor)- to end of Mar 2011- formerly President -to Feb 2006 and COO to Oct 2004 - Clear Channel Communications, US- announced he is to step down as President/CEO in 2010; Randall T. Mays -president (EVP to Feb 2006) and chief financial officer, Clear Channel Media Holdings- to step down and become vice-chairman 2009; Alexis Mazurin - CBC Radio host (Died Oct 2005 after falling into coma following 2004 heart attack); Sen. John McCain- Republican Senator for Arizona (proposer of various broadcast-related bills); Douglas McArthur - chief executive of the UK Radio Advertising Bureau; John McCann - Group Chief Executive, UTV Media; Brian McCarthy - CEO, Fairfax Media, Australia (From Dec 2008); Gerry McCarthy - UK Sunday Times writer on Irish Radio; J.P.McCarthy -former morning host WJR-AM, Detroit (died 1995) ; Robert McConochie - director of strategic research,The Arbitron Co; James McCoubrey -CBC executive vice-president and chief operating officer; John Judson McGrody -Illinois radio host (shot himself dead, Sept 2002); Donald McDonald - chairman Australian Broadcasting Corporation-steps down Dec 31, 2006 after ten years in post; Robert M. McDowell -Republican Federal Communications Commissioner (Sworn in June 2006- nominated for second term June 2009); Monty McFarlane -CJOR, Vancouver, Programme Controller; Mary McGrath - former senior producer of "The Connection" on US Public Radio; Bob McCown - Toronto -The FAN - sports host; Joe McCoy -Vice-President of Programming, WCBF-FM, New York; Julie McCrossin - former ABC 702, Sydney, breakfast host (quit a month after moving to role from hosting Radio National Life Matters programme); William McEntee - SVP and CFO, Interep; Allan Mcfee- Canadian broadcaster -former host of CBC's Eclectic Circus (deceased); George McFly - US DJ; Mike McGee - Milwaukee WNOV-AM host (show suspended Dec 2004); John B McGuckian -former chairman UTV media (Ousted Feb 2012); John McGuigan - chairman, Spike Networks, Australia; Bernard McGuirk - Producer of syndicated US show "Imus in the Morning: Randy McKeen - News Director of Telemedia Radio Atlantic and member Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council Atlantic Regional Council; Ronald McKoy - former California talk shows host (deceased); David McLauchlin - CBC radio reporter (died May 2003); Pat McLoughlin - former BBC producer (deceased); John McMahon- Head of RTÉ 2fm; Lissa McMillan - deputy director, radio, Australian Broadcasting Corporation; Dan McNiel -former WSCR-AM,Chicago, afternoon co-host ; Michael McPherson - vice president of sales and marketing,; Henry Meakin - chairman GWR group, UK(stepping down July 2001); Michael Medved - US talk show host; Garry Meier - Chicago WGN-AM, afternoon host and former Chicago WCKG, WLUP-FM and WLS-AM afternoon co-host (taken off air Jan 2004 after contract talks stalled); Nemone Metaxas - British DJ; Geoff Metcalf - WorldNetDaily writer and TalkNetDaily radio show host; Jean Metcalfe - former BBC broadcaster(deceased); Kip Meek - UK RadioCentre board member and chief policy officer - former Chief Policy Officer, Ofcom (Left early 2007); Kevin Metheny - Former Program Director, WGN-AM, Chicago (Ousted Nov 2010) & former Regional programming VP, Clear Channel Cleveland cluster and of WNBC, New York (Known as Pig virus/vomit after Howard Sten described him as the former and name of character in movie Private Parts); Mary Anne Meyers - former WLIT, Chicago, morning co-host; Leonard Miall - veteran BBC broadcaster and executive (died Feb 2005); Sir Peter Michael - chairman of Classic FM,UK; Randy Michaels - Chairman and CEO, Merlin Media , and former CEO (Dec 2009 to Oct 22, 2010) / COO, Tribune Co. (May 2008) and former -chief executive of broadcast and Internet operations for Tribune Co (Dec 2007), former President Radioactive LLC and former CEO Clear Channel New Technologies division and former Chairman and CEO, Clear Channel Radio; Judith Michaelson - Los Angeles Times writer; Cliff Michelmore - former BBC broadcaster; Sig Mickelson-former CBS News President (deceased); Felicia Middlebrooks - WBBM-AM,Chicago, morning co-host; Alisa Miller - President and CEO, Public Radio International (US- appointed Jan 2006); Andrew Miller - Chief Executive, UK Guardian Media Group (Appointed July 2010); Harry M Miller- former agent for Sydney breakfast host Alan Jones; Robin Miller- Chief Executive, formerly chairman, EMAP, UK; Stephanie Miller- former KABSC, Los Angeles, host (left 2000); Tracey Miller - Los Angeles radio host (died October 2005); Adrian Mills - Executive-director English language programming, CBC Radio, Canada; Scott Mills - BBC Radio 1drivetime host; Steve Mills - fired former general manager of Roanoke public radio station WVTF; Ken Minyard - KABC-AM, Los Angelese host (Retiring October 2004 ); Stephen Miron - chief executive, Global Radio(Took up post Dec 1, 2008); Neil Mitchell - Melbourne 3AW morning host; Pete Mitchell - former breakfast show host (with Geoff Lloyd) for UK Virgin Radio- joining BBC Radio 2; Stephen Mitchell - Deputy Director, BBC News & Head of Programmes, BBC News - former BBC head of radio news; Susan Mitten - director of English radio programming, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Arthur Mobley- president of Eight Chiefs Inc., which runs KMJK-FM Phoenix; Andy Moes - former Boston radio host Sabot (deceased); Kelly Mohr - former Chicago WCKG-FM stand-in host (fired and suing) ; Jim Moir -former controller, BBC Radio 2 (Stepped down Dec 2003)- hired by UK Channel 4 Radio June 2006; Tony Moltzen-former general manager, 2UE, Sydney(left after Southern Cross takeover, 2001); Colm Molloy -former sales and marketing director for Irish state broadcaster RTÉ; Tom Moloney - former Chief Executive, Emap plc, UK (Left May 2007); Tom Monaghan - (of Domino's Pizza) -founder ailing Catholic Family Radio, US; John Monds - Chicago WSRB-FM morning host -joining WILV-FM, Mar 2005 - formerly at WHUR-FM, Washington, DC and afternoon host at WVAZ-FM, Chicago; Renee Montagne - co-host US National Public Radio's "Morning Edition"; Sarah Montague - BBC Radio 4 Today show presenter; Leslie Moonves -President and CEO, CBS Corporation- former co-president and co-COO, Viacom; Don Moore - former General Manager of WVAZ, Chicago; Jane Moore - UK newspaper columnist and launch breakfast show co- host when LBC moved to FM in 2003- taking maternity leave December 2003; Tom Moore -former accountant for Century Radio, Ireland; Michael Moriaty CB. - Deputy Chair UK Radio Authority (outgoing 1999); Tony Moretta- Chief Executive (Took up post June 2008), UK Digital Radio Development Bureau; Stephen B. Morris - Former Chairman (From May 2007 to May 2009) & former President and Chief Executive Office, Arbitron, US (To Jan 2009); Anne Morrison - head of BBC features and events; Steve Morrison - UK Granada Media Group chief executive; Dan Moschetti - host of the syndicated "Golf Guys' Radio Show"(died Nov 2002); Michael Moskowitz - President and CEO, XM Canada (took up post start of 2008); Graham Mott - Group General Manager Radio, Fairfax Media, Australia - formerly held same post at Southern Cross Broadcasting, which was taken over by Fairax, and former station manager 3AW Melbourne; Linda Mottram-Walkley Award (Australia) winner; Raul V. Mowatt - Chicago Tribune reporter on media; Chris Moyles - BBC Radio 1 breakfast host - moved to slot from drive time in January 2004; Adrian Moynes - outgoing Managing Director of RTÉ Radio- appointed Secretary to the RTÉ Authority and its Director of Compliance; John Mulhern -Century Radio co-founder and son-in law of former Irish Prime Minister, Charles Haughey; Erich "Mancow" Muller - Chicago-based U.S. host - with former Citadel's WLS-AM & formerly with Emmis's WKQX-FM until July 2006; Scott Muller - Programme Director, DMG Radio's Australia's Nova 937, Perth - former Programme Director of Capital Radio, London and former PD Nova FM, Sydney (Left GCap Feb 2008); Kieran Mulvey - former member of Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Scott Muni - veteran US broadcaster - "The Professor" of rock - (died September 2004); Mike Murphy- former host RTÉ (Ireland) Radio 1 Arts Show; Colin Murray - BBC Radio 1 host; Vivian Murray - former member of Irish Independent Radio and Television Commission; John Myers - Chief Executive UK Radio Academy and former chief executive of Guardian Media Group Radio (UK) - stepped down Feb 2009; John Myron - former Chicago WCKG-FM stand-in host (fired) ;

N: James Naughtie - BBC Radio 4 presenter/ Today Show co-host; Jim Nayder- WBEZ, Chicago, producer and broadcaster; Robert F. Neil - Executive Vice-President, Cox Media Group - formerly President and Chief Executive Officer, Cox Radio, US- to retire end of May 2011; Simon Nelson - Controller of BBC Radio & Music Interactive; Susan Ness- former Commissioner, US Federal Communications Commission (Stepped down 2001); Maurice Newman - chairman-designate, Australian Broadcasting Corporation( takes over Jan 2007) ; Eric Nicoli -Chairman EMI Group; John Nicolson - LBC breakfast show co-host and former BBC breakfast TV presenter (leaving Dec 2003); Chuck Niles - longtime US radio jazz host (died March 2004); Eli Noam - director of Columbia University's Institute for Tele-Information; David Noble - Chair of the Low-Power FM Task Force for the International Association Of Audio Information Services; Guy Noble - Australian Classic FM breakfast presenter; Alex Nogales - President of the National Coalition of Hispanic Media, US; George Noory - host of Coast-to-Coast AM US late night show; Ray Nordstrand - Chicago WFMT-FM classical station veteran (Deceased); Michele Norris -Co-host (from December 2002 ) of US NPR's All Things Considered" new s magazine; Mike North -WSCR-AM Chicago host; Oliver North -US radio host, former White House aide and convicted criminal; Graham Norton - British Broadcaster- host-designate of BBC Radio 2 Saturday show to take over slot from Jonathan Ross;Annika Nyberg - former President of the World DAB Forum (until Nov 2005); Marv Nyren - Emmis Chicago regional vice president and market manager;
O: Jackie O - (Jackie O'Neil Henderson) - of Australian duo Kyle and Jackie O; Bob Oakes - host of ''Morning Edition'' on WBUR-FM, Boston; Mike Oatman - former US midwest radio station co-owner (died January 2003); Denis O'Brien -Irish businessman and part owner of Spin FM, East Coast Radio and Newstalk & Today stations (through Communicorps); Gerry O'Brien - finance director of Irish state broadcaster RTÉ; Joe O'Brien - veterna New York City and State DJ (Died July 2005); Mrs. Ruxandra Obreja - chair Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) and Controller Business Development, BBC World Service; Charlie Ochs - former general manager WMZQ,Washington (retired); Christian O'Connell - Absolute Radio - former Virgin Radio- breakfast host & BBC Radio 2 Sunday host (From Sep 2009) - formerly London Xfm breakfast show host; Paddy O'Connell - host-designate of BBC Radio 4 "Broadcasting House" programme (Takes up role Sep. 3, 2006); Cathy O'Connor -Chief Executive, DMG Radio Australia & Chair Commercial Radio Australia: Holmes 'Daddy-O' Daylie - veteran African-American Chicago radio host (died Feb 2003); Spike O'Dell - WGN-AM, Chicago, morning host- to retire Dec 2008; Tim O'Donnell- ABC. America, radio anchor(deceased) ; Brian O'Donovan-WGBH-FM. Boston, broadcaster; Fred O'Donovan -former member Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Donnach O'Driscoll - Chief Executive Absolute Radio UK (Former Virgin Radio- bought by Times fo India subsidiary); John Ogden -former station director, Radio Liberty, UK (Resigned); Glenn O'Farrell - President and CEO, Canadian Association of Broadcasters (To step down early 2009); Paul O'Hagan SC - counsel for Irish State Broadcaster RTÉ at the Flood Tribunal; Chris O'Hanlon- co-founder and former chief executive of Spike Networks, Australia; Jane O'Hara - former managing director, UK radio ratings organisation RAJAR ( left at end of 2003); John O'Hara - formerly managing director, Atlantic 252, UK (taken over by TEAMtalk in 2002); Paul O'Higgins SC - counsel at Flood Tribunal for Irish state broadcaster,RTÉ; Minya Oh-- Miss Info on Emmis' Hot-97, New York; Kenneth J. O'Keefe - Infinity Executive VP, Eastern Region (Dec 2002 to July 2003 ) and former President and Chief Operating Office of Clear Channel Radio (Retired June 30, 2001); Michael O'Keeffe - chief executive Broadcasting Authority of Ireland and formerly of its predecessors the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (former Independent Radio and Television Commission (IRTC); Sally Oldham - former Managing Director, The Local Radio Company (left October 2006) and director of strategy and development director, UK Capital Radio (left June 2001); Stu Olds - former CEO, Katz Media Group (Died Dec 2010); Jay Oliver - "Mad Dog" of Toronto "Jay and Billie"- formerly "Mad Dog and Billie" morning team; Mike O'Meara - US Host (Formerly Mike of "Don and Mike")- went solo June 2008, teamed in Jul 2010 with Kirk McEwen on former Citadel's WVRX-FM; Seamus O'Morain - principal officer in the Department of Communications, Ireland; Des O'Neill SC -lawyer for Flood Tribunal in Ireland;"Ugly" Phil O'Neil - Australian shock-jock (joing new DMG Sydney station); Seamus O'Neill - former marketing director, Century Radio, Ireland; Steve Orchard - CEO Quidem Ltd (UK group set up to acquire radio stations) and former Operations Director GCap Media (left at end of April 2008) and former Managing Director of Local Radio and former operations and programming director, UK GWR Group; Bill O'Reilly - Conservative US host; Willie O'Reilly - Chairman Independent Broadcasters of Ireland; Kate O-Rourke - member designate UK Radio Authority(1999); Donal O'Sullivan -former member Independent Radio and Telvision Commission, Ireland; Dennis Owens -WGMS-FM,Washington, morning host (to semi-retire November 2002); John Ousby - director of Ginger Online, the digital development arm of Ginger Media Group, UK: Henry Owens - programme director, Virgin Radio, UK; Joel Oxley - Hubbard Broadcasting Senior Revional VP and former SVP & D.C. Market Manager Bonneville International/ former General Manager, Bonneville Washington classical station, WGMS-FM; Mike Oxley - Ohio Republican Rep.;
P:Antonio Paciencia - Angolan radio journalist (body found in River Zambezi); Michael Packer - operations director, WLS-AM,Chicago (appointed Sept 2002); Ajit Pai -nominated as FCC Commissioner Nov 2011; Suren Pai -President & Chief Executive Officer of Lucent Digital Radio; Wendy Pallot - chairwoman Quidem Ltd (UK group set up to acquire radio stations) and former finance director, GCap Media; Prashant Panday - Executive Director & CEO, Entertainment Network India Ltd (ENIL), operators of Radio Mirchi; Hugh Panero - former president and CEO, XM Satellite Radio- stepped down Aug 2007; Martin Paquette- morning co-host, CKVL, Winnipeg,Canada; Andy Parfitt - Former Controller BBC Popular Music, Radio 1and 1Xtra & Asian Network- stepepd down at end of July 2011; Richard Park - Group executive director and director of broadcasting, Global Radio - also former acting chief executive (Jun 2008, through "hold separate" period for GCap Media and Global Radio), radio consultant and former programme director, UK Capital Radio (resigned March 2001 to work as creative consultant) - joining Global Radio, UK, July 2007; Al Parker- former Chicago radio broadcaster who also spent more than 50 years at Columbia College (deceased) ; James Gordon Parr - former host of "The Mad Metallurgist" on CBC radio (deceased); Mike Parry - Programme director and former Head of Sport, TalkSport, UK; Roger Parry - chief executive of Clear Channel's international arm; Gary Parsons - former chairman Sirius XM Radio (Stood down Nov 2009) and pre-merger of XM Satellite Radio (US); Dolly Parton -former owner WDLY, Tennessee; Norman Pattiz - founder and chairman Emeritus - chairman until Aug 2010 - of Westwood One, and former member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors that overseas US Government Overseas broadcasts; Lord (Chris) Patten - British politician and chairman of BBC Trust (Took up post May 2011); Michael Peacock - chairman, UBC Media, UK; John Pearson - former chief executive, Virgin Radio, UK (announced resignation Oct 2004: Left April 2005); John Peel - late veteran British broadcaster (died Oct 2004); Steve Penk - UK radio host and station owner (bought Oldham station Revolution FM Sep 2008)- former UK Capital Radio host-joined Virgin Radio June 2001, walked out/left Virgin Jan 2002/returned to Capital July 2002/ to Key-103, Manchester in 2004; joined Fox FM, Oxford, March 2007-left it Feb 2008; Ron Pennington - Ron of New York hosts Ron and Fez; A. Jerrold Perenchio - former (To March 2007 when company bought by private equity consortium) Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Univision (US); Jacques Peretti - UK Guardian radio columnist; Gehrig Peterson - former programme director, WGK, Chicago; Paul Peterson -WLIT, Chicago, morning host; Brian Phelps - Brian of Los Angeles based "Mark and Brian" show; Roger Phillips - BBC Radio Merseyside broadcster (Sony award winner); Bob (Sir Robert) Phillis- former chief executive, Guardian Media Group, UK- stepped down July 2006- and former BBC Deputy Director General. Died December 2009; Nigel Pickard -Controller BBC Children's Department; John G. Pinch - executive vice president and co-Chief Operating Officer, Cumulus Media, US; George Pine - former Interep President and COO (took retirement deal in October 2006); ; Dr. Drew Pinsky - host of syndicated US radio show "Loveline"; Robert (Bob) Pittman - CEO, formerly Chairman Of Media And Entertainment Platforms, Clear Channel; Mark Plotkin - US political commentator, formerly with WAMU-FM, joined WTOP-AM, Washington, May 2002; Phil Ponce - Chicago WTTW host; Jonathan Potter --Executive Director, Digital Media Association (DiMA), US; Peter Poulton - Bam Bam - Capital Radio evening host (from March 2007-being dropped at end of year) and former London Kiss FM breakfast host; Michael K. Powell - former Chairman, US Federal Communications Commission (Stepped down March 2005) ; Thomas Prag - former Managing Director Moray Firth Radio and now member of UK Radio Authority: Steve Price - Melbourne talk radio breakfast host &* Program Director (April 2010) - former Sydney 2UE morning host (Jan 2008-Dec 2009 ) and formerly drive time host (from Sept 2003) and former 3AW (Melbourne) broadcaster and Sydney 2UE Breakfast host (March 2002); Steven Price - Chairman and CEO Townsquare Media Inc (took over and renamed Regent Commnications-took up post May 2010); Keith Pringle -former Managing Director (Left April 2006), Capital Radio (previously Capital FM), London, former Capital Group Programme Director, and co-founder Internet "station"; Ms Terry Prone -former member of Independent Radio and Television Commission, Ireland; Ian Punnett - WGST-AM, Atlanta, evening host -taking over from Art Bell as Sunday host on "Coast to Coast AM"; George Putnam -host of"Talk-Back" on KIEV-AM,Los Angeles;
Q: Mary Quass - CEO, NewRadio Group, US;

R: Robert Rabinovitch- president Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Mark Radcliffe - BBC DJ, Mark of now-ended BBC Radio 1 Afternoon Mark and Lard show- moved to BBC Radio 2- to host 6 Music afternoons with Stuart Maconie from April 2011; Charlie Rahilly- President of Clear Channel Radio National Advertiser Platforms Group (Dec 2009)- formerly President Premiere Radio Networks - took up post July 2007 - & former Executive Vice President of Operations, Clear Channel Radio, and former vice president of sales for Los Angeles; Mark Ramsey - president of Radio Intelligence/ Mark Ramsey Media, US -posts on Hear 2.0; Bill Randle - legendary US DJ (died July, 2004); Jana Rangoni - programme director. Heart FM, London; Neeti P Ray - president, Infinity Broadcasting. Toronto, Canada; Vin Ray - executive editor, BBC newsgathering; John Rea - BBC head of religion and ethics(retiring early; Michael Reagan -US broadcaster ( and son of former President Ronald Reagan); Harold Redekopp -English Television vice-president, CBC; Mark Redmond - President and CEO, Sirius Canada (appointed October, 2005)- to take same role at merged Sirius and XM in Canada; Sumner M. Redstone - chairman,Viacom and CBS; Colin Reed - President and chief executive, Gaylord Entertainment, Nashville; Bruce Reese - President and CEO, Bonneville International, US- to move to Hubbard Broadcasting when its purchase of 17 Bonneville stations is completed; David K. Rehr - outgoing President and CEO of US National Association of Broadcasters-took office Dec 2005- resigned May 2009); Robert R Reilly - former Voice of America director (Resigned August 2002); Danny Renton, - BBC World Service Trust project manager in Tirana, Albania; Gillian Reynolds - UK Telegraph radio columnist; Randi Rhodes - former Air America ( resigned April 2008) - and Nova M network (Quit Feb 2009) host; Ed Richards - Chief Executive, British media regulator Ofcom - formerly Chief Operating Officer and also Senior Partner, Competition and Strategy; Graham Richardson -Australian (2GB) broadcaster; Tash Rick - Internet Radio Cool broadcaster; Phil Rickman -former BBC Wales host; Lesley Riddoch - Broadcaster - former BBC Radio Scotland lunchtime host; Alberto Riera -former executive with Mega Communications and Spanish Broadcasting System (jailed for fraud): Marc Riley -BBC DJ - Lard of former BBC Radio 1 afternoon show Mark and Lard- moved to BBC6 Music; Phil Riley - Chief Executive Orion Media, UK ( formed with venture capital group LDC Midlands), former Chairman Reciva and former radio division chief executive, Chrysalis Group, UK (Left after division was bought by Global Radio July 2007); John Rimmer - Member Australian Broadcasting authority (re-appointed); Ahmad al-Rikabi - founder Baghdad talk station Radio Djila and former head of the US-funded Iraqi Media Network; Steve Rivers- former President, Programming, Infinity (Aug 2002 to Jan 2004) and former Chief Programming Officer AMFM Inc; Lan Roberts - former Seattle DJ (died December 2005); Donald Robertson - Australian Broadcasting Authority spokesman; Ian Robertson - Member Australian Broadcasting authority (re-appointed); Jane Robins -UK Independent media correspondent; Red Robinson- pioneer Vancouver DJ (retired?); Rocko - Massachusetts DJ; Art Rockwood -Newfoundland host for CBC (died Sept 2002); Ray Rodriguez - President and COO, Univision (To step down end of 2009); Shelagh Rogers -host of CBC Radio's "Sounds like Canada"/former host of CBC's "This Morning"; Ted Rogers -- former president and CEO, Rogers Communications, Canada (Died Dec 2008); William Rogers - Chief Executive UKRD radio group; Don Rojas - general manager Pacifica's WBAI-FM, New York (appointed Nov 2002; Dr Don Rose - US radio host (died March 2005); Bill Rose -- senior vice president Marketing, Arbitron; Doyle Rose -president of radio division of Emmis Communications, US (leaving March 2002); Hilary Rosen - former Chairman and CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) - left at end of 2003; Mimi Rosenberg - host of "Building Bridges" on Pacifica New York station WBAI-FM; Stuart Rosenstein - Executive Vice Presiden and CFO Townsquare Media Inc (former Regent Communications- took up post May 2010); Jessica Rosenworcel - (Democrat) - nominated as FCC Commissioner Nov 2011; "Rosko" -William Roscoe Mercer- veteran New York disc jockey (deceased); Jim Rome - US Sports talk host; Professor Kobus van Rooyen - chairman, South African Broadcasting Complaints Commission; Billie Jo Ross - Billie of Toronto " Jay and Billie" - formerly "Mad Dog and Billie" morning team; Joel Ross - Joel of UK JK & Joel duo: Jonathan Ross - British broadcaster- ended his BBC Radio 2 Show on July17, 2010; Les Ross -veteran British broadcaster and Sony award winner; Sean Ross - group editor of Airplay Monitor, US; Tim Ross -Rosso of Australian duo"Merrick and Rosso" - joined new DMG Sydney Nova FM station from Triple J in 2001; Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth -- former Commissioner, US Federal Communications Commission(Stepped down June 2001); David Lee Roth -- former CBS radio host (Replaced Howard Stern on East Coast CBS stations, Jan 2006-dumped April 2006); Kate Rowland - BBC head of radio drama; Scott R. Royster - former EVP and chief financial officer, Radio One Inc. US (Leeft Dec 31, 2007); Mark Ruffin -former WBEZ-FM, Chicago, Jazz host; Greg Ruggiero -US appellant claiming rules to bar former private operators from applying for LPFM licences is anti-constitutional: Bobby Rush - Illinois Democratic Rep.; Cliff Russell -general manager Detroit ducational station, WDTR-FM ; Antonio Russo -Radio Radicale , Italy, reporter, killed in Georgia; Kevin Ryder- Kevin of Kevin and Bean morning show on KROQ-FM, Los Angeles;

S: Walter Sabo - Former COO Merlin Media (update on his Lindedin profile put this in past Jan 2012) and former SVP in charge of the ABC Radio Networks and Executive Vice President of NBC-owned FM radio stations; Ed Salamon - Executive Director-designate, Country Radio Broadcasters(US); Noah Samara - founder and former chairman and CEO of international satellite radio company World Space (Now in bankruptcy); Richard Sambrook - Director of BBC Global News (following stint as BBC Director of News in September 2004); Justin Sampson - managing director, UK Radio Advertising Bureau; Orion Samuelson - farm reporter for WGN-AM, Chicago; Francisco Sánchez Ugarte - president Mexican Federal Anti-trust Commission; Kyle Sandilands - Kyle of Australian breakfast duo Kyle and Jackie O; Nicole Sandler - music director, KACD, Los Angeles-now Internet ; Eleanor Naumburg Sanger - first program director of New York classical statio WQXR (deceased); Debra J. Saunders - San Francisco Chronicle writer; Howard Sattler-Perth broadcaster; Michael Savage - Conservative US radio host; Nicole Sawaya - Executive Director Pacifica Network; John Scelfo - former SVP/CFO- Sirius Satellite Radio (US)- left April 2003; Dick Schaap - US radio sportscaster (died Dec 2001); Chris Schacht - Australian Labor Party Senator; Chuck Schaden - host of "Those Were the Days" old-time radio showcase in Chicago: Vivian Schiller- former President and CEO, US NPR (National Public Radio - took up post in January 2009-resigned under pressure March 2011); Dr Laura Schlessinger- Conservative U.S. talk show host; Tim Schoonmaker - former chief executive of UK EMAP Performance (EMAP division including radio)- resigned January 2004; Dan Schmidt - president and chief executive officer, Window to the World Communications, Chicago; Mark Schubb - former General Manager, KPFK-FM, Los Angeles (fired January 2002): Ed Schultz - syndicated "progressive" US talk host; Nathalie Schwarz - Chair of 4 Digital Group & New Business and Corporate Development Director, UK Channel 4 - formerly its Director of Radio, and previously Capital Radio strategy and development director; Sandy Schwartz - President Cox Media Group; Andrew Schwartzman -executive director of the US Media Access Project public interest law firm; Harriet Scott - UK Heart FM breakfast co-host, and former Virgin radio weekend breakfast host; Mark Scott - Managing Director, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (took up post in July 2006); Robin Scott- former BBC Executive(deceased); Terry Scicluna - chief executive of the Digital Radio Development Bureau,UK; Ryan Seacrest - US radio and TV host and media production company owner; Dr Clement Semmler - former general manager, Australian Broadcasting Corporation (deceased); Peter Senger - former chairman Digital Radio Mondiale (Stood down March 2008) and COO Deutsche Welle; Jay Severin - Boston talk host (Suspended May 2009 for on-air comments about Mexican immigrants; Fired Apr 2011 for comments about sleeping with female employees and interns at his business. Joining Clear Channel Aug 2011); Bill Shadel - US broadcasting veteran (died January 2005); Theodore F. Shaker - former chairman and CEO, Arbitron (died Aug 2005); Tom Shannon - veteran Buffalo DJ (Retired end of March, 2005); Gary Shapiro- CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association(US); Feargal Sharkey -member, UK Radio Authority (took over special responsibility for Northern Ireland, Sept. 2002); Allen Shaw -vice-chairman and co-Chief Operating Officer, Beasley Broadcast Group, US; Heather Shaw - Executive chair, Corus Entertainment, Canada; Helen Shaw -former RTÉ (Ireland) director of radio- left 2002; Kevin Shea - former President and CEO Sirius Canada (To October 2005); Bob Shennan - Controller BBC Radio 2 and 6 Music - to take over roles of Controller Popular Music and Asian Network at end of July 2011 when Andy Parfitt steps down - and former UK Channel 4 Director of Radio (April 2008 until it was closed in Oct 2008) - formerly Controller, BBC Radio 5 Live and Asian Network and former head of BBC sport production; Cary Sherman - president, Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA); Ralph Sherman - former General Manager of WNUA, Chicago; Rod Sherwood - Former President (Oct 2008) & CFO, Westwood One (Appointed Sep 2008) - employment terminated Nov 2011); Jonathan Shier- former managing director Australian Broadcasting Corporation (left Nov 2001); Deepak Shourie - CEO, New Media, India: Tony Shryane - veteran BBC producer (died Sept 2003); Mike Siegel -for a while weekday overnight host of "Coast to Coast AM, US": Robert Siegel - co-host of US National Public Radio's "All Things Considered"; Robert Mitchell Silliman - US radio engineer(deceased Feb 2001); Lisa Simeone -host of The World of Opera and former anchor of Weekend All Things Considered on US National Public Radio (stepped down March 2002); Donnie Simpson-WPGC-FM,Washington, morning host; Clea Simon - writer on radio for the Boston Globe/New York Times; Errol Simper - Journalist, The Australian; Monica Sims -BBC Radio 4 controller in late 1970's; John L. Simson - Executive director, Sound Exchange, US; Gord Sinclair - Canadian broadcaster (died July 2002); Rear-Admiral Peter Sinclair -Former NSW Governor; Jon Sinton - president, Air America radio network, US; Paul Ski- CEO (Dec 2007) Roger's Broadcasting Radio Division and former President (Nov 2006) and previously EVP, CHUM Radio; Ian Skidmore - British broadcaster; Michael Skarzynski - Former President and CEO, Arbitron (From Jan 2009- Resigned Jan 2010); John Singleton --majority shareholder in Macquarie radio network, Australia (owns Sydney 2GB); Bob Sirott - Chicago broadcaster & former host "Noon Show" on WGN-AM (April 2007-Jan 2010); Gary Slaight - President and CEO, Slaight-family controlled Standard Broadcasting, Canada; Tavis Smiley- former US National Public Radio host ( to Dec 2004) and before that with Black Entertainment Television; Chris Smith - former UK Secretary of State for Culture, Media and the Arts (replaced June 2001); Chris Smith - Sydney 2GB afternoon host; Gordon H. Smith -President and CEO, US National Association of Broadcasters (Took office Nov 1, 2009); Graham Smith - senior producer "The Connection" on US public radio; Greg Smith - host of "On a Roll", syndicates US radio show for the disabled; Howard K Smith - veteran US broadcaster (died February 2002); Michael Gordon-Smith - Australian Broadcasting Authority; Michaela Smith - managing editor, Virgin Radio,UK; Jeff Smith - BBC Radio 2 Head of Music (Feb 2007) and former Napster UK programming director and former UK Capital Radio programming head (left January 2003); Prudence Smith - radio producer and writer (deceased); Ruth Bayard Smith - Professor of journalism at Montclair State University, US: Stephen Smith - Australian Federal Opposition media spokesman; Steve Smith - Director of Radio Programming, Cox Media Group and formerly programming vp with AMFM, Clear Channel & Emmis (Took up post Aug 2011);; Suzanne Smith -Walkley Award(Australia) winner; Paige Smoron- Chicago Sun-Times columnist;de la Bedoyere; Jeffrey H. Smulyan - Chairman, president, and CEO, Emmis Communications, US; John Smyntek - Detroit Free Press radio reporter; Peter Smyth - Chairman (From Oct 2008), President and CEO,Greater Media, US (Also chairman US Radio Advertising Bureau); Mary Catherine Sneed - former COO, Radio One Inc (left June 2006); Raymond Snoddy- former UK Times media correspondent (left July 2004); Lisa Snowdon - London Capital FM breakfast co-host (From Aug 2008); Bob Snyder -station manager,WMVP-AM, Chicago;Wendy Snyder- former midday co-host, WCKG,Chicago; David H. Solomon- former chief of US Federal Communications Commission Enforcement Bureau; Eddie "Piolin" Sotelo - Los Angeles KCSA-FM morning host-syndicated by Univision; David Spanier - British newspaper and radio correspondent (deceased); David Spencer - professor of media studies at the University of Western Ontario; Andi Sporkin - NPR Vice President for Communications; Dr Pam Spurr- host UK Heart FM's pychiatric phone-in programme "Heart to Heart."; James Stafford - co-founder of Century Radio(Ireland); William (Bill) Stakelin - former President and CEO- formerly COO- Regent Communications (US- took over July 2005-resigned May 3, 2010); Lex Staley - Lex of the "Lex and Terry Morning Radio Network.US; Susan Stamberg .-(US) NPR correspondent; James Stannard - UK DJ (censured for remarks to caller); Cliff Stearns- Florida Republican Rep.; Bob Steele- veteran Connectircut radio personality (deceased); Marc Steiner - former WYPR (former WJHU-FM) talk host (fired Feb 2008) and senior vice-president -moving to WEAA-FM Jun 2008; Howard Stern - US shock jock; Ken Stern - former CEO (from Oct 2006 to Mar 2008) and former Executive Vice President & COO, US National Public Radio; Ken Stevens --General manager, WNEW-FM, New York; Roy Stewart - former chief of US FCC Mass Media Bureau - to head new FCC Office of Broadcast License Policy; Kathy Stinehour - Vice President and General Manager of Radio One Detroit and former President and CEO of Archway Broadcasting Group and former executive vice president for Clear Channel, Chicago (Ousted Jan 2002); Tony Stoller - Ofcom's director of external relations and former chief executive, UK Radio Authority; Ed Stolz - owner of Royce International Broadcasting (US); Gary Stone - President (Feb 2006 - formerly SVP) and COO, Univision Radio- to retire at end of 2010; Mark Stone - Chairman Westwood One and Senior Managing Director of the Gores Group; Linda Eder Jamieson Storrow - former New York radio host (deceased); Kevin Straley - Director of Talk, XM Satellite Radio and former Program Director at WRKO, Boston; Susan Stranks - former UK Children's TV presenter and campaigner for children;s radio; Neil Strawser - former CBS reporter and anchor (Died Jan 2006); Robert Struble - President & Chief Executive Officer of iBiquity Digital Corporation, US (formerly President/CEO of USA Digital Radio); Russell Stuart - Managing Director of UK GWR Digital Services (stepping down); William Sutter- former chairman, Regent Communications (US - appointed July 2005- forced out Mar 2009); Farid Suleman -Former Chairman and CEO Citadel Broadcasting (/Communications) and special partner in Forstmann Little (formerly President and CEO Infinity Broadcasting) -Cumulus took over Citadel Sep 2011; Sashimi Sward - Indian Broadcasting Minister; Jay Switzer - President and CEO, CHUM (Canada)-stepping down June 2007; John Sykes - President, Clear Channel Entertainment Enterprises (Jan 2012) and former chairman/CEO of Viacom's Infinity Radio (March 2002 until Jan 2005); Donna Symmonds - Barbadan lawyer and BBC cricket commentator;

T: Ashley Tabor - Executive President, formerly Group Chief Executive, Global Radio (was Acting CEO designate GCAP Media from June 9, 2008, until OFT approved Global Radio takeoverduring which period he stood down temporarily as CEO Global Radio UK); Paschal Taggart - Irish businessman who fronted application for Dublin licence; Godfey Talbot - former BBC correspondent (deceased); Stephen Tapp - President and COO, XM-Canada (formerly Canadian Satellite Radio)- to leave company June 15, 2007; Chris Tarrant - former UK Capital Radio breakfast show presenter ( last show April 2, 2004)- joining GMG Radio July 2008; Deborah Taylor Tate -- former Republican FCC commissioner- nominated Nov 2005 & sworn in Jan 2006-left Commission Jan 2009; Scott Taunton - UTV Media GB Managing Director & former UTV Radio Managing Director;Carole Taylor - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation chairwoman (appointed July 16, 2001); Charles W Taylor - veteran US ABC News radio reporter and producer (deceased); Patrick Taylor -former chief executive GWR, UK, (left July 2003), -also former finance director, GWR and Capital Radio, UK: Stuart Taylor -- chief executive Guardian Media Group Radio (UK); Susan Leigh Taylor - morning co-host, KCBS, San Francisco; Tom Taylor - editor of M Street's US radio trade journal Inside Radio; Eric Taub- New York Times writer; Billy Tauzin- R-La., chairman of the House Commerce telecommunications subcommittee; Markus Tellenbach - CEO, SBS Broadcasting, SA; Robert Templeton- former President of Newfoundland Capital Corp broadcasting division (Resigned February 2004); "T-Man" Rob Tepper - Seattle talk host; Robert Le Tet -- member Australian Broadcasting Authority; Jamie Theakston - UK Heart FM, London, breakfast co-host; Ceri Thomas - Editor, BBC Radio 4 "Today" breakfast show (took up post April 2006); E.R.Thompson -former BBC correspondent and editor (deceased); Fred Thompson - actor, lawyer, ABC radio host and analyst and former Republican US Senator; Dianne Thompson- non-executive chairman UK RadioCentre (took up post Feb 2009); Mark Thompson - BBC Director General (Took office June 2004- to step down after London 2012 Olympics); Mark Thompson - Mark of Los Angeles-based "Mark and Brian" show; Paul Thompson - former non-executive chairman (Ousted Nov 2009, when Lachlan Murdoch bought half the company and took over the chairman's role) and former chief executive, DMG Radio Australia (Stepped down Oct 2008); Peter D. Thompson - Chief Financial Officer, Radio One Inc. (Appointed Feb 2008); Caroline Thomson - BBC COO - formerly Director of Public Policy and former Deputy Director of BBC World Service; Peter Thornton- former UK broadcastering executive (died Nov 2002); McHenry Tichenor Jr - Former President Univision Radio (Stepped down end of 2004) and former President and CEO, Hispanic Broadcasting, US; John Timpson - former BBC Radio 4 presented (died November 2005); Kenneth Y. Tomlinson- chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) , which oversees US government broadcasts to foreign countries and former chairman of the Corporation for Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) (Resigned amid controversy in Nov 2005); Pete Tong - BBC Radio 1 broadcaster (Sony award winner) ; Troi Torain - with Buc Wild - his half-brother Timothy Joseph, co- host of Star and Buc Wild Show (suspended then fired by Emmis in 2003- Moved to Clear Channel WWPR-FM, New York, January 2005 and fired by them May 2006 - Hired by Maga Media Group Nov 2007; Mike Torcasso- researcher, New Research Group, Dallas; Ben Fong-Torres - San Francisco Chronicle radio columnist; Jacques Tortoroli - "New Viacom" SVP, Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Officer-designate and Infinity EVP and CFO and former EVP and CFO, Westwood One, US; Doug "The Greaseman"Tracht - US DJ fired in 1999 for racist comments; Anna Maria Tremonti - CBC veteran & host of CBC Radio 1 morning show "The Current" from November 2002; Sybil Trent -US radio personalities and children's radio show host from 30's to 50's (deceased); Virginia Trioli - former ABC Sydney and Melbourne radio host (left Dec 2007)-formerly in Melbourne until Oct 2005; Gloria Tristani - Managing Director of the Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ, Inc. and former Commissioner, US FCC (stepped down Sept 2001); Robert Trout - veteran US broadcaster (deceased); Ryan Tubridy - Irish radio broadcaster; (Sir) Mark Tully - former BBC Delhi and South Asia correspondent; Dan Turner - Director of Channel Production, XM Satellite Radio and former Senior Director for Programming Operations at World Space Corporation; Ronald L. Turner -chairman, president and chief executive officer of Ceridian Corporation(US); John Tusa - former head, BBC World Service; Twitch of Kramer and Twitch see Tony Longo

U: Walter F. Ulloa - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Entravision (US); Sanford Ungar - former Director, Voice of America; Rep Fred Upton - Michigan Republican - Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee (2010) and former House Telecommunications sub-committee chairman, and prime drafter of Broadcast Decency Enforcement Acts of 2004 and 2005; Joe Uva - President and CEO Univision (From Mar 2007-leaving April 2011);
V: Tommy Vance - English DJ (Deceased); Denise Van Outen - former Capital Radio breakfast show co-host - left Aug 2008; Johnny Vaughan - Breakfast co-host for Capital FM, London and former BBC Radio 5 host; Buzz Victor - chair of the Colorado Public Radio Board of Directors; Bruce Vidal -former Los Angeles DJ (died December 2002); Andria Vidler - President-designate of EMI Music UK and Ireland(Takes up post summer 2009), Chief marketing officer Bauer Consumer Media and former managing director (Mar 2005) Magic FM, London, and Capital FM, UK (Left July 2003): Jeremy Vine - former BBC TV presenter who took over Jimmy Young's weekday lunchtime slot on BBC Radio 2 in January 2003; Ed Volkman - Eddie of "Eddie and JoBo" morning duo in Chicago (Dropped by CBS Nov 2008);
W: Larry Wachs -of The Regular Guys former morning duo on Atlanta 96 Rock (suspended March 2004, fired April 2004, after stunt went wrong) - joined WGST-AM, March 2005 and back to 96 Rock in May, 2005; Don and Roma Wade- Chicago WLS-AM morning hosts; Bret Walker, SC - Alan Jones' counsel, Australian cash-for-comment affair; Johnnie Walker - veteran British DJ; Ronald Walker - chairman, Fairfax Media (Australia); Barry Wall - sports segment host for CKKS,Vancouver; Aidan Walsh- Counsel for Former Irish Communications Minister Ray Burke; Ed Walsh --veteran US broadcaster joining WOR-AM, New York, as Morning Host; Mark Walsh -- former CEO of Progress Media, parent of Air America, "liberal" US talk network- stepped down April 2004; Patrick M. Walsh - EVP, CFO (From Sep 2006) and COO (From Dec 2008), Emmis Communications; John Walters -former broadcaster and BBC Radio 1 producer (deceased July 2001); Joan Warner - CEO, industry body Commercial Radio Australia; Diane Warren - President & former EVP, HD DIgital Radio Alliance; Christopher Warren -Federal secretary of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Australia; Bessie M Wash - former Executive director, Pacific Foundation, US; Bernard Waterman - owner Waterman Brodcasting Corp (Texas); Allan Waters -founder and former president and chairman of Canadian broadcaster CHUM (Stepped down December 2002:Died December 2005); Jim Waters - chairman CHUM Ltd and former president of CHUM Radio, Canada (moved up to chairman's post Dec 2002); Jim Watkins - General Manager, WHUR, Washington DC; Patrick Watson - former CBC President; Merrick Watts - Merrick of Australian duo "Merrick and Rosso" - joined new DMG Sydney FM station from Triple J in 2001; Richard Weening - co-founder and former executive chairman, Cumulus Media, US(left board March 2003); John J Weigel -veteran Chicago broadcaster (died December 2002); Ellen Weiss - Former Vice-President for News, US NPR (National Public Radio - from April 2007 to resignation in Jan 2011); Peter Weissbach -afternoon drive host. KOMO-AM. Seattle -taking over as primary Saturday host of "Coast to Coast AM"; Samuel "Skip" Weller - former President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of NextMedia's Radio Division( Resigned July 2006); Harvey Wells - Newsweb vice-president and radio group manager, formerly with Infinity in Chicago: Linda Wertheimer - US National Public Radio's senior national correspondent and former co-host (until January 2002) of All Things Considered; James Whale - UK Talk host (fired by UTV's talkSPORT May 2008- hired by Global Radio's LBC Sep 2008); Dennis Wharton - Executive Vice President, US National Association of Broadcasters; Fez Whatley - Fez of New York hosts Ron and Fez; Richard Wheatly - co-founder Jazz Investments Ltd., former executive chairman Jazz FM and former executive chairman (May 2007) and chief executive The Local Radio Company, UK, and former chief executive of Jazz FM; Bernelda Wheeler -pioneering Cree Canadian Radio host (died October 2005); Jo Whiley - BBC Radio 1 host - to move to BBC Radio 2 April 2011 - moved from Radio 1 weekdays to weekends, July 2009); Leona Jacobs-White -volunteer programmer and talk show host of KPFA-FM, (Moving from weekdays to weekends, July 2009) Berkeley (deceased); Roland White - UK Sunday Times columnist; Stephen Whittle - BBC Controller of Editorial Policy and former Director of UK Broadcasting Standards Commission; Dwight Whylie - chairman of Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica and first black announcer for both the BBC and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (died Sept 2002); Neil Wiese- Former Adelaide 5AD-5DN news director; Richard E. (Dick) Wiley -former chairman US Federal Communications Commission: Bruce Williams - Syndicated US talk host; Gwyneth Williams - Controller BBC Radio 4 and 4 Extra -the formed BBC 7 (Took up post in Sep. 2010). John Williams -WGN, Chicago, Morning Host (June 2009), former breakfast host (Dec 2008) and former afternoon host; Jerry Williams - veteran Boston talk host (died April, 2003); Russ Williams - mid-morning presenter on Virgin Radio, UK; John Willis - UK Guardian writer and ITN Board Member; Raymond Wilmotte - US broadcast engineer(deceased); Colin Wilsher, - managing director of Classic Gold, UK; Bill Wilson -former chairman and chief executive of TEAMtalk (UK) - now owned by UKBetting; Lawrence R. Wilson - founder and , Chairman, President and CEO, Citadel Communications (US-left March 2002 ): Tanya Wilson - UK Guardian columnist; Max Moore-Wilton -Executive chairman, Macquarie Media Group, Australia (Appointed Feb, 2007); Alison Winter - Head of Research, The Radio Centre (UK)- previously with UK CRCA; David Witherow -former executive chair UK Radio Authority; Melinda Wittstock -host-designate of US NPR morning news show to be carried on Sirius Satellite Radio; (Sir) Terry Wogan - former BBC Radio 2 breakfast host- last show Dec 18, 2009 - to move to Sunday show from February 2010; Louise Wood - deputy station director, Radio Liberty , UK (Resigned); Rob Woodward - chief executive SMG (Appointed Feb 2007); Charles Wooley -former TV reporter to launch three-hour "Across Australia" morning radio show; Julian Worricker - BBC Radio 4 and former BBC Radio Five Live presenter; Chris Wright - chairman and co-founder Chrysalis Group, UK; Michael Wright - UK Sunday Times columnist; Patrick (Paddy) Wright - chairman of Irish state broadcaster RTÉ; Roger Wright - Controller BBC Radio 3; Nan Wyatt - co-host of KMOX-AM, St. Louis morning show( shot dead February 2003); Will Wyatt - former chief executive of BBC Broadcast (retired) ;
Y: Stephen Yasko - general manager Towson University station WTMD-FM and former national programming director for US Pacifica Network; Suzy Yates - Sydney 2UE broadcaster ; Joe Yerkes - chief executive of Midlands Radio 3, Ireland; Cindy Young - general manager, KPCC-FM, Pasadena; (Sir) Jimmy Young -former BBC DJ (left Corporation December 2002)-returning for special 1 hour show to mark his 90th birthday in Sept 2011;
Z: Andrew Zaref - former CFO, Westwood One (US)-left July 2007; Larry Zarian-LA KIEV-AM broadcaster (departing); Sam Zell - Real estate m,agnate who led 2007 buyout of Tribune Company - chairman (formerly also CEO) of Tribune Co.; Storm Zbel - Storm of Storm and Birdsey on WWRX-FM, Providence); Bennett Zier -Air America Radio CEO (July 2008) - former CEO Red Zebra Broadcasting (resigned Mar 2007) and former Regional Vice President for Clear Channel Radio-Washington, D. C. and former executive vice president of AMFM; John D. Zeglis - AT&T Wireless Group president; Stan Zemanek - former Sydney 2UE late-night host -stood down Dec 2006 as he hads brain tumour, died July 2007 - has also worked at 2GB, Sydney, and 3AW Melbourne (in 2002) before return to 2UE; Rod Zimmerman -senior vice president and market manager of CBS Radio's Chicago stations and vice president and general manager of WBBM-AM and WCKG-FM (Free FM), Chicago; Eric Zorn -Chicago Tribune columnist; Jeff Zycinski - Head of Radio, BBC Scotland;
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